If you’ve been watching some random Twitch streams lately you might’ve noticed that during the past couple of weeks World of Warcraft climbed back to a top position regarding viewership numbers per game. This was due to another World First race, where guilds from across the globe participated in another boss slaying marathon in order to be the first guild to down the biggest bad boy of them all – N’Zoth. And for the very first time this expansion, North Americans managed to claim the title.

The race began back on January 28th (NA)/ 29th (EU) when Mythic difficulty of Ny’alotha, the Waking City opened its doors. Complexity Limit had a great raid start and managed to clear 7 bosses on their first day leaving the rest of the pack in the dust. However, after a few days, the progress halted as Complexity Limit reached the final boss N’Zoth and seen that there’s no way to down the last of the Old Gods in a single reset. Its biggest competitors Method and Pieces (both of which already had World First titles) caught up, so the race began refreshed with a new reset.

However, Complexity Limit had a well-earned advantage seeing more of the final fight so their progress on N’Zoth the Corruptor was way smoother. The North Americans defeated Mythic N’Zoth on their 274th attempt, 5 days after, also claiming the World First on Mythic N’Zoth Carapace. With a lot of roadblocks that included despawning the encounter mid attempt, the fight was released in a rather poor state, but Limit persevered. The boss died for the very first time on Friday. It was the first World First boss killed by the NA guild in 7 years… Here’s a kill video:

However, the race is still far from over since there’s a bunch of titles left. Only Method managed to repeat the success of Complexity Limit and down N’Zoth claiming the EU First, and World Second full clear of Ny’alotha, the Waking City. Bronze is still up for grabs and with 14 guilds currently standing at 11/12, its anyone’s race.