
Sigma is now available on Overwatch PTR

Sigma is designed to fill the role of a tank.


Meet Sigma, the latest Overwatch hero

Blizzard finally unveiled the 31st hero of the Overwatch roster.


Overwatch introduces Role Queue

Role queues are available now on PC on the PTR.


Overwatch Summer Games begins!

The event will conclude on August 5th.


Blizzard teases Hero 31 for Overwatch

Jeff Kaplan confirmed that Hero 31 will be a male character.

Game news

Overwatch is adding subtitles to the game

Blizzard included more accessibility options to Overwatch.


Blizzard released a new Overwatch short story

Blizzard has already announced Baptiste Reunion Challenge to extend the story.


Blizzard introduced Overwatch Replays feature

Overwatch Replays system is coming to the live game very soon.


Overwatch Anniversary event is starting tomorrow

Overwatch is already 3-years old!

Game news

Overwatch Workshop will allow you to customize the game

The Overwatch Workshop is already available on the game’s PTR servers.


Overwatch's next map is Havana

Game's director Jeff Kaplan confirmed that Havana comes as the newest map in Overwatch.

Game news

Overwatch Storm Rising event begins on April 16th

Blizzard has been steadily building up the hype towards the next Overwatch in-game event.


Overwatch All-Star Weekend 2019 voting has begun

Overwatch League All-Star weekend will take place at the Blizzard Arena in Los Angeles.


Overwatch's Baptiste is now playable on the PTR

Baptiste's tool kit definitely seems interesting and might indicate a sudden shift in the game's meta.

Game news

New Overwatch hero Baptiste revealed

As with all Overwatch hero reveals, the first glimpse of the character abilities will most likely be on PTR in the upcoming weeks.