• Obchod
  • DLC
  • Fortnite - Bhangra Boogie Emote (DLC) Epic Games Key AUSTRALIA
Fortnite - Bhangra Boogie Emote (DLC) Epic Games Key AUSTRALIA

Fortnite - Bhangra Boogie Emote (DLC) Epic Games Key AUSTRALIA

Doporučená nabídka
110,59 US$
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  • AustrálieNelze aktivovat v zemi Spojené státy americké
  • Epic Games
    Epic GamesAktivovat/uplatnit na Epic Games
    Zkontrolujte průvodce aktivací
  • Digitální klíčToto je digitální vydání produktu (CD-KEY)Okamžité doručení
Pracuje na:
  • Windows
  • Mac

Ostatní nabídky

    Bezpečné odhlášení Zaručeno

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    Skóre důvěryhodnosti 100/100Bezpečné odhlášení Zaručeno

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      Popis produktu

      Fortnite - Bhangra Boogie Emote

      Expand your collection of emotes with a rare Fortnite item by purchasing the Fortnite Bhangra Boogie Emote key! Originally the emote was available only for the owners of certain OnePlus company phones but now you have the chance to purchase the item separately right here on Eneba store! The special emote was released to commemorate the success in India achieved by the manufacturer OnePlus but from now on it can also be your own personal signature on the Battle Royale Island!

      Celebrate your victory by dancing to Bhangra!

      It can be irritating to lose the final duel at the end of the Battle Royale match and observe how your enemy mocks you with a dance. Get back at them by dancing to Bhangra! Buy Fortnite Bhangra Boogie Emote Epic Games key, achieve Victory Royale, and tease your enemies by performing a traditional dance of the Punjabi culture. Make your victories memorable!

      Storm the Battle Royale Island with a beat!

      As mentioned previously the music that plays while performing the dance in the game is called Bhangra. It’s a musical genre that combines elements of both the traditional Punjabi folk music and Western pop. Not only is Bhangra a way to celebrate the Victory Royale – the dance serves as a way to celebrate two cultures at once! Claim the Fortnite Bhangra Boogie Emote Epic Games key today and engage in Battle Royale dance between life and death as you stroll for the #1 spot!

      How do I redeem a Fortnite code on PC?

      • Click Sign In on the top right corner of the Fortnite home page;
      • Log in with your Epic Games account;
      • Hover your mouse cursor over your account name on the top right corner;
      • Select the Redeem Code option;
      • Enter the key code and click Redeem.

      Interested in other offers like this one? Visit the Fortnite skins collection featured on our website!

      Systémové požadavky

      Minimální systémové požadavky

      • Systémové požadavky
        Windows 7/8/10 (64-bit)
      • Procesor
        Intel Core i3 2.4 Ghz
      • Paměť
        4 GB RAM
      • Grafika
        Intel HD 4000
      • Úložný prostor
        15 GB

      Doporučené systémové požadavky

      • Procesor
        Intel Core i5 2.8 Ghz
      • Paměť
        8 GB RAM
      • Grafika
        Nvidia GTX 660 / AMD Radeon HD 7870 2 GB VRAM
      • Úložný prostor
        20 GB

      Další podrobnosti

      • Jazyky
        • Angličtina
      • Datum vydání
        9. července 2020
      • Vydavatel
        Epic Games
      • Vývojáři
        Epic Games Inc.
      • Pracuje na

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