Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin Deluxe Edition Steam Key GLOBAL

Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin Deluxe Edition Steam Key GLOBAL

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    Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin Deluxe Edition Steam Key

    Deluxe Edition includes:

    • • Rider’s Layered Armor;
    • • An outfit for Ena;
    • • Several outfits for Navirou;
    • • A hairstyle for Rider;
    • • 2 Sticker Sets.

    Are you ready to hatch and raise monster companions and explore the colourful world along with them? Experience this exciting and magical adventure in Capcom’s newest turn-based RPG release - Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin! For years, Rathalos all around the world are vanishing one by one and this might just herald the beginning of the end. You embody the grandchild of Red, who along with his Monstie called Guardian Ratha, were protectors of the Hakoko island you inhabit. While you set out to gain more experience as a Rider, you encounter a mysterious Wyverian girl who once knew your grandfather and even was entrusted with Guardian Ratha’s egg. The hatching of the egg is fated to bring about mass destruction and chaos, and you can witness it all with a Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin Steam key!

    Monster Hunter Stories 2 gameplay features

    When the egg inevitably hatches, the world is destined to change for ever. What will you do after you encounter the legendary Rathalos?

    • Pick a battle style. Since this is an RPG, you can freely change how you want to engage your foes - wield a greatsword, a hammer, a sword & shield, a hunting horn, a bow or a gunlance;
    • Raising Monsties. The world is filled with Monster Dens filled with eggs that you can take, all that’s left is to hatch them and care for the Monstie that lies within - you can even play around with they genes, transfer them from one Monstie to another, and awaken new skills;
    • Turn-based skirmishes. In the Monster Hunter Stories 2 game, learning the strengths and weaknesses of the monsters you battle is key to winning any fight - learn their patterns and thrive on the battlefield;
    • Find like-minded Riders. Explore the multiplayer side of the game with players from all around the world - take down fearsome beasts together, search for Monster Dens, complete co-op quests or face each other in Versus Battles;
    • • Cheap Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin price.

    An adventure like no other

    With the Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin key, you walk in the shoes of the grandchild of the illustrious Rider Red, whose Monstie called Guardian Ratha was the revered protector of your home island. Following in his footsteps, you also seek to become a Rider - during your training, you encounter a Wyverian girl named Ena, who knew your grandfather and was entrusted with protecting an egg that can hatch into a legendary Rathalos. But legends foretold that disaster will befall the land if Rathalos does hatch… the world is unmistakably changing, the eggs finally hatches, and only you along with Ena can save the world from carnage. Buy Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin Steam key and discover the truth behind legends of old!

    Systémové požadavky

    Minimální systémové požadavky

    • 64bitová podpora
    • Systémové požadavky
      Windows 10
    • Procesor
      Intel® Core™ i5-3470 3.20 GHz / AMD
    • Paměť
      4 GB RAM
    • Grafika
      NVIDIA®GeForce® GTX 650 / 2GB VRAM
    • DirectX
    • Úložný prostor
      28 GB

    Doporučené systémové požadavky

    • 64bitová podpora
    • Systémové požadavky
      Windows 10
    • Procesor
      Intel® Core™ i5-4460 3.20 GHz / AMD
    • Paměť
      4 GB RAM
    • Grafika
      NVIDIA®GeForce® GTX 760 / 2GB VRAM
    • DirectX
    • Úložný prostor
      28 GB

    Další podrobnosti

    PEGI 7
    • Jazyky
      • Angličtina
      • Japonština
    • Datum vydání
      9. července 2021
    • Vydavatel
    • Vývojáři
      CAPCOM Co., Ltd.
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