God of War (PC) Steam Key EUROPE

God of War (PC) Steam Key EUROPE

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    Product description

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    God of War (PC)

    Completely unexpected and great news has reached PC gamers around the world – four years after its original release, God of War (PC) Steam key from “Santa Monica Studios”, which had previously been exclusive to PlayStation 4, is coming to the Steam platform. This is the first game in the God of War series to appear on personal computers. PC gamers will have a unique opportunity to experience an unprecedented epic journey of the main protagonist of the series Kratos and his son in mythological Scandinavia. Aim for one of the greatest and most luxurious experiences in the entire gaming industry.

    A new face of God of War

    Unlike parts of the old series, you will watch the God of War (PC) Steam key game from the third-person perspective near Kratos' back, making the brutal action much more personal and closer. The mythology of the series has also changed. In the first parts of God of War games, the story took place in the background of ancient Greek mythology, this time you will travel around Scandinavia, and more specifically – mythological Norway, and fight various mythological monsters – trolls, witches, and other nasty things. One of the key features of the game is that the entire God of War (PC) Steam key game runs without any interruptions to the cut-scenes. From the very first moment of the game to the last titles, you will watch the whole game as one big spectacle.

    God of War PC features

    God of War, which will appear on personal computers, will undoubtedly feature modern technical elements and deliver an even stronger experience than ever before.

    • High-resolution graphics. Impressive game images for personal computers will look even more perfect. Enjoy 4K resolution with unlimited frame rates. The game offers a wealth of graphical settings, including resolution, shadows, enhanced reflections, GTAO and SSDO features, and more;
    • NVIDIA® DLSS and Reflex support. Get to know “NVIDIA Deep Learning Super Sampling (DLSS)” technology, which will increase the frame rate in the game, and you'll see a sharp, detailed image on the screen with your NVIDIA video card;
    • Control settings. Play the way you want. The God of War game fully supports DUALSHOCK®4 and DUALSENSE® wireless controllers and a large number of other ones, as well as the ability to fully configure the control with the keyboard and mouse. Each player will discover the controls of their dreams;
    • Ultra-wide support. Immerse yourself in the game like never before. Travel through the harsh Scandinavian world, watching the breathtaking landscapes in panoramic screen mode. With 21: 9 ultra-widescreen support, God of War delivers a cinema-quality experience that only extends the uninterrupted cinematic vision of the original game;
    • • Cheap God of War (PC) price.

    Human Kratos

    Prior to this part of God of War, the character of Kratos was portrayed as a callous killer, constantly shed with blood and full of rage. In God of War (PC) you will see a different, more human Kratos. He is now a father and travels with his son, with the aim of scattering his wife's ashes from the highest peak. This is the main goal of the game and the essential motivation of the characters, but the essence and main element of the God of War game is the journey. A journey towards self-knowledge. Will Kratos and his son manage to keep the promise? It’s all up to you.

    System requirements

    Minimum system requirements

    • 64bit support
    • System requirements
      Windows 10 64-bit
    • Processor
      Intel i5-2500k (4 core 3.3 GHz) or AMD Ryzen 3 1200 (4 core 3.1 GHz)
    • Memory
      8 GB RAM
    • Graphics
      NVIDIA GTX 960 (4 GB) or AMD R9 290X (4 GB)
    • DirectX
      Version 11
    • Storage
      70 GB

    Other details

    PEGI 18
    • Languages
      • English
      • French
      • German
      • Italian
      • Spanish - Spain
    • Release date
      January 14, 2022
    • Publisher
      PlayStation PC LLC
    • Developers
      SIE Santa Monica Studio