Green Hell (PC) Steam Key EMEA

Green Hell (PC) Steam Key EMEA

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    Product description

    Green Hell (PC) Steam Key

    Face the challenges of staying alive within the depths of a lush Amazonian rainforest that’s perfectly described by the name of the title – Green Hell. Game is a realistic first-person survival experience developed and published by a Polish video game company Creepy Jar. Buy Green Hell Steam key and enjoy a title that feels just as rewarding as it is brutal! It’s a true survival thriller set in the unforgiving jungle where not only can your body be pushed to the absolute breaking point but also your mind!

    Find Mia

    Follow the story of an anthropologist Jake Higgins who must venture into the beautiful but also completely merciless Amazon rainforest in order to look for his missing wife Mia. The plot of Green Hell game unfolds through occasional radio conversations with Mia as well as hallucinogen-induced visions. However, the true story begins only when you buy Green Hell Steam key and get pushed into this desperate situation personally. Aside from the brief tutorial, the game wastes no time in holding your hand. You are completely on your own, with nothing to rely on except for your smart-watch, an arsenal of hand-made tools, and the instinct of survival.

    Authentic survival techniques

    One of the main goals of the developers when making the Green Hell game was to combine the entertaining and rewarding nature of survival video games with a strong emphasis on realism. Creepy Jar has consulted with experts in the field in order to provide a believable experience of what it would be like to actually fight for your life in the jungle. Buy Green Hell Steam key and you will get personally acquainted with survival methods presented in books like “The SAS Survival Handbook” by John Wiseman: craft, clean wounds, collect rainwater, look for resources, micromanage your inventory, navigate through the jungle and show mother nature that you have what it takes!

    Combat and enemy variety

    The Green Hell game can be extremely punishing for those who choose to take the Amazonian rainforest lightly. Every time you cross an area of the jungle without checking your own body for leeches and worms afterwards – you’re begging for serious trouble. Those who buy Green Hell Steam key will also get to face off against dozens of predators and even the hostile tribes inhabiting the rainforest! Of course, you are not defenseless as the game features weapons such as bows, spears, and machetes to protect yourself. These tools can be effective against wildlife but environmental hazards, poisonous foods, and psychological strain on Jake Higgins’s mind is for you to handle. It’s truly hard to come by a survival game crafted with such an exemplary attention to detail so don’t miss the opportunity!

    System requirements

    Minimum system requirements

    • System requirements
      Windows 7/8/10 64-bit
    • Processor
      3.2 GHz Dual Core
    • Memory
      4 GB RAM
    • Graphics
      GeForce GTX 660, Radeon RX 460 2 GB RAM
    • Storage
      8 GB
    • Additional Notes
      Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system

    Recommended system requirements

    • System requirements
      Windows 7/8/10 64-bit
    • Processor
      3.2 GHz Dual Core
    • Memory
      8 GB RAM
    • Graphics
      GeForce 970, Radeon RX 580 4GB RAM
    • Storage
      8 GB
    • Additional Notes
      Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system

    Other details

    • Languages
      • English
      • French
      • German
      • Italian
      • Spanish
    • Release date
      September 5, 2019
    • Publisher
      Creepy Jar
    • Developers
      Creepy Jar
    • Works on