Microcivilization (PC) Steam Key GLOBAL

Microcivilization (PC) Steam Key GLOBAL

  • GlobalCan be activated in United States of America
  • Steam
    SteamActivate/redeem on Steam
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  • Digital keyThis is a digital edition of the product (CD-KEY)Instant delivery
Works on:
  • Windows

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    Product description


    If you’re an avid gamer like we are, then you should know that Microcivilization key on Steam is one of the top titles among simulator video games that should appear in your possession if you want to get the best of this genre! Developed and published by the renowned video game company Ondrej Homola on 2023-11-13, the game delivers gripping gameplay that immerses you from the very first moment and keeps you on your toes until you turn off the game, leaving the sense of wonder to linger about. Buy Microcivilization Steam key, save your funds with a cheaper price, and dive into a brilliant game!

    Simulator genre

    Not everyone wants to be a superhero and fight against villains. Simulator games are for those who enjoy slow-paced events copied from real life. Microcivilization Steam key doesn’t have a complex narrative or strict objectives that’ll define one’s success. Instead, the player can do whatever they want and get that satisfaction from being in control. It can be challenging if they choose it to be – one can think of every little detail to explore; or, it can be super easy as one can just float around the surface and enjoy the experiences.


    Lose yourself in the immersive world with Microcivilization key! This title includes many features and mechanics that improve the overall gameplay:

    • • 2D graphics – You explore a two-dimensional world that can only be viewed from one angle;
    • • Building – Players can indulge in some architectural creativity by utilizing various construction tools at their disposal;
    • • Economy – You get to build a business empire and manage its growth, jobs, prices, and more;
    • • Management – Players have to use the supplies wisely, collect the much-needed resources, and overlook the growth of their business or faction;
    • • Cheap Microcivilization key price.

    System requirements

    Minimum system requirements

    • System requirements
      Windows 10
    • Processor
      Core 2 Duo
    • Memory
      2 GB RAM
    • Graphics
      256 MB
    • DirectX
    • Storage
      500 MB

    Other details

    • Languages
      • English
    • Release date
      November 13, 2023
    • Works on