My Lovely Wife (PC) Steam Key EUROPE

My Lovely Wife (PC) Steam Key EUROPE

  • EuropeCan't be activated in United States of America
  • Steam
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  • Digital keyThis is a digital edition of the product (CD-KEY)Instant delivery
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  • Windows

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    Product description

    My Lovely Wife (PC) Steam Key

    Coming from the creators of GameChanger Studio and brought to you by Neon Doctrine, this game is going to rock your world! The release date of My Lovely Wife key is 2022-06-08 and the game is available on Steam, ready to pull you into another unmatched virtual experience. Gaming is all about spending your leisure time entertained and putting a certain set of your skills to the test to improve them, and this title does all that with top-notch quality. Want to see for yourself? Buy My Lovely Wife Steam key at a cheaper price and enjoy another great title in your collection!

    Strategy genre

    Strategy games challenge the player’s ability to explore the farthest corners of their mind. My Lovely Wife Steam key, too, will encourage the player to think of every possible outcome for every possible choice. It will require great determination and skilful thinking as well as logic, creativity, and ingenuity. Emphasizing the player’s ability to outthink their opponents, the game will captivate its players, and, with time, will make them achieve the heights of their potential. Those who enjoy competition and a sense of achievement will definitely like this game!


    You're bound for an immersive experience with My Lovely Wife key! Here are some of the key features that will surely captivate you right from the start:

    • 2D graphics – The world consists of two-dimensional visuals and models, and cannot be viewed from other angles;
    • Adventure – You meet and interact with colourful characters, solve various puzzles, and explore the world;
    • Hand-drawn graphics – The fantastic visuals and gorgeous character designs were lovingly drawn by hand;
    • Indie – This title was created by an independent team of developers focused on creative innovations;
    • Simulator – You can do things that you can’t do in the real world via simulations;
    • Tactical – The title focuses on manoeuvring large sets of units in various battles without the need to manage resources;
    • • Cheap My Lovely Wife (PC) price.

    System requirements

    Minimum system requirements

    • System requirements
      Windows XP SP 2+
    • Processor
      2.0 GHz
    • Memory
      1024 MB RAM
    • Graphics
      DX9 (shader model 3.0) or DX11 with feature level 9.3 capabilities.
    • Storage
      700 MB

    Other details

    • Languages
      • English
      • German
      • Japanese
      • Russian
      • Simplified Chinese
      • Traditional Chinese
    • Release date
      June 8, 2022
    • Publisher
      Neon Doctrine
    • Developers
      GameChanger Studio, Toge Productions
    • Works on