Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning FATE Edition Steam Key GLOBAL

Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning FATE Edition Steam Key GLOBAL

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  • Digital keyThis is a digital edition of the product (CD-KEY)Instant delivery
Important Notice:
  • The FATE Edition contains the Re-Reckoning Main-Game, the Official Soundtrack and the upcoming content Addon Fatesworn that extends the game of 5+ hours and that will be released post launch, expected 2021. The Official Soundtrack features 35 high quality tracks for a total of 70 minutes of music.

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    Product description

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    Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning FATE Edition Steam Key

    THQ Nordic presents us with another RPG journey that travels straight to our hearts – Kingdoms of Amalur Re-Reckoning! Inspired by Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, Todd McFarlane’s Spawn series, and the brilliant mind of the author R.A. Salvatore, the Kingdoms of Amalur Re-Reckoning Steam key comes in full force to launch the players into a story to endorse and relish. Intense combat, the well-written narrative, and the colourful world bring freshness to the role-playing genre, so prepare your sword and enjoy the tale!

    Become part of a legend

    Enter the vibrant city of Rathir, veiled in mystery and residing in the charming world of Amalur, housing the vast lands of Dalentarth, the deepest dungeons of the Brigand Hall Caverns and many more places to explore. The open-world and rich world-building contribute to the cultivation of the RPG genre so strongly present in the Kingdoms of Amalur Re-Reckoning Steam key. You will assume the role of the hero set out to save the world that’s torn by a raging war and who is destined to be resurrected from the dead and to manipulate the keys to immortality! The lore reaching several thousand years and flexible combat mechanics improve the RPG experience tenfold!

    Gameplay features

    Kingdoms of Amalur Re-Reckoning Steam key encompasses the gameplay features that offer an intense yet satisfying experience for the warriors at heart. Let’s see what the title offers apart from a captivating narrative set in the medieval, open world:

    Character customization. The players are given the freedom to customize their character to their heart’s content, including the set of skills, abilities, weapons, and gear to match the preferred combat style;
    Destiny system. The unique system that enables the players to continually evolve and improve their playable character in terms of class and playstyle;
    Dynamic combat system. You can combine magic abilities with melee attacks and reinforce your blows – experiment to discover your playstyle;
    Hours of content. The game provides over a hundred hours of single-player campaign to keep you entertained and in suspense until the very end;
    Improved graphics and controls. The capable game engine provides higher quality visual graphics, animations and overall smoother controls as well as gameplay;
    • Cheaper Kingdoms of Amalur Re-Reckoning price.

    System requirements

    Minimum system requirements

    • System requirements
      Windows 7, Windows, 8, Windows 10 (64 bit)
    • Processor
      Intel or AMD Dual Core CPU 2.5 GHz
    • Memory
      4 GB RAM
    • Graphics
      DirectX 10 Feature Level AMD or NVIDIA Card 1 GB VRAM
    • DirectX
    • Storage
      40 GB
    • Additional Notes
      Preliminary system requirements!

    Recommended system requirements

    • System requirements
      Windows 7, Windows, 8, Windows 10 (64 bit)
    • Processor
      Intel or AMD Quad Core CPU 3 GHz
    • Memory
      8 GB RAM
    • Graphics
      DirectX 11 Feature Level AMD or NVIDIA Card 2 GB VRAM
    • DirectX
    • Storage
      40 GB
    • Additional Notes
      Preliminary system requirements!

    Other details

    PEGI 18
    • Languages
      • English
      • French
      • German
      • Italian
      • Japanese
      • Russian
      • Simplified Chinese
      • Spanish
    • Release date
      8 September 2020
    • Publisher
      THQ Nordic
    • Developers
      KAIKO / Big Huge Games
    • Works on