Apex Legends 2150 Apex Coins Origin Key GLOBAL

Apex Legends 2150 Apex Coins Origin Key GLOBAL

  • GlobalCan be activated in United States of America
  • Origin
    OriginActivate/redeem on Origin
    Check activation guide
  • Digital keyThis is a digital edition of the product (CD-KEY)Instant delivery
Important Notice:
  • For PC ORIGIN / EA version of the game. You must have Apex Legends in your ORIGIN / EA account in order to use this product.

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    Product description

    Apex Legends 2150 Apex Coins

    Exclusive rewards – who doesn’t like the sound of that? Buy 2150 Apex Coins and experience the possibilities first-hand. Buy aesthetical items for your character, work towards that one elusive piece of perfect gear or just cultivate your character to become the best. Apex coins will assist with all of that!

    Randomness is a factor

    We’re not going to lie – there are no guarantees when it comes to loot boxes. But at least Apex makes it a bit more bearable. When you open up a certain amount of Apex packs, you are guaranteed to get a Legendary item. And cosmetic features will not duplicate either. So, buy 2150 Apex Coins and try your luck; at least you will not be getting 5 skins for the character you dislike in a row (you may only get one!).

    Exclusivity matters

    In order to soften to sting of RNG, the packs also offer a chance to get your hands on some truly exclusive items called Heirlooms. Currently, it is meant only for one character, Wraith, but who knows what the future holds. These unique items are only available from the Apex packs, making them extremely valuable! And you can get a whole bunch of them if you buy 2150 Apex Coins.  

    Multiple rewards 

    If you want to get the maximum out of your purchase, the Battle Pass is the way to go. It functions like in many other games: with the Pass, you have an extra initiative to level up, as there are different rewards set aside for that particular purpose. Basically, you play as you usually do, and then get showered with gifts just for a one-time payment. Brilliant!

    To grind or to...

    Technically, Legends (or playable characters) are locked behind a certain amount of currency. You may unlock them by grinding out enough Legend Tokens. Or you can save time and buy 2150 Apex Coins, which will save you some time and let you jump right into the gameplay with the character you want.

    An edge in entertainment

    To summarize, the Apex coins will let you gain an edge in the battlefield: both by supplying you with special gear, as well giving you the chance to intimidate the enemy by flashing your shiny new costume in their faces!

    How to redeem Apex coins PC (Origin):

    • • Launch the Origin application and log in with your account;
    • • Click Origin button on the top left corner;
    • • Choose Redeem Product Code option;
    • • Enter the product code into the given field and press Next;
    • • Click Next on the following page to complete the process.

    Other details

    • Release date
      February 5, 2019
    • Publisher
      Electronic Arts Inc.
    • Developers
      Motive, DICE, Respawn Entertainment