Ghostrunner Steam Key GLOBAL

Ghostrunner Steam Key GLOBAL

  • GlobalCan be activated in United States of America
  • Steam
    SteamActivate/redeem on Steam
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  • Digital keyThis is a digital edition of the product (CD-KEY)Instant delivery
Works on:
  • Windows
Important Notice:
  • Restricted regions: Taiwan, China, Macao, Hong Kong.

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    Product description

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    Ghostrunner Steam Key

    505 Games Studio delivers a gripping cyberpunk experience that blends science-fiction with post-apocalyptic themes. If you are looking for fast-paced gameplay with a rich story to shock you with plot twists, similarly to Cyberpunk 2077, Ghostrunner is the game right up your alley! Brutal combat, action-packed adventures of epic proportions, and a story that tells the fall of mankind after the lethal cataclysm and what follows after… If you want to grab a katana and enter the post-apocalyptic world of what remains of the world as we know it, then buy Ghostrunner Steam key today!

    Remains of what we used to love

    Ghostrunner key wraps up the descent of mankind in exquisite story-telling, portraying the loss of everything we once were and held dear, now forgotten in neon streets of the last shelter amidst the world-ending cataclysm. The so-called shelter is drowning in violence and death as Mara the Keymaster asserts complete control over the place, ruling ruthlessly and disregarding human life completely. We cannot afford such tyranny any longer, and it’s time to step up and respond with even fiercer brutality. The cyberpunk Ghostrunner is in need of an unyielding warrior that burns with the desire to live and save another in spite of the nearing decadence of the world!

    Challenging cyberpunk gameplay

    Grab the monomolecular katana, utilize the special powers coursing through your veins and other sci-fi weaponry at your disposal! Ghostrunner key offers intense FPP action to immerse yourself completely in combative encounters taking place in the streets where death is drowned by bright city lights. Ghostrunner is where cyberpunk meets ninja, and the collision is everything we could ever dream of! The game combat system is punishing, inviting players for a challenge to try their best to perfect their Ghostrunner combat skills until they are a swift, powerful, and unstoppable force to be reckoned with. Buy Ghostrunner Steam key and watch the blood of tyrants glide down your blade!

    What are major Ghostrunner gameplay features?

    Once you start the Ghostrunner game, you leave everything behind for a while and become a cyber-warrior entrusted with a great mission and thirsting for revenge. Everything cyberpunk, Ghostrunner Steam key brings about the high-quality gameplay packed with action and staggering narrative!

    • Dynamic combat system. One-hit, one-kill combat mechanic screams challenge that feels rewarding in every aspect possible. Train to master the combat system, utilize the cyberpunk weaponry arsenal and special abilities;
    • Open-world setting. Explore the city shrouded in neon city lights, the last shelter of mankind. The open-world experience set in a futuristic post-apocalyptic world creates an authentic cyberpunk atmosphere to revel in;
    • Spine-chilling narrative. Become a part of the original story dealing with the extinction of mankind and the descent of humanity in the face of grave danger;
    • • Cheaper Ghostrunner price.

    System requirements

    Minimum system requirements

    • System requirements
      WIN7-64 bit
    • Processor
      Intel Core i5-2500K (4 * 3300) AMD Phenom II X4 965 (4 * 3400)
    • Memory
      8 GB RAM
    • Graphics
      GTX 1050 (2048 MB) / Radeon RX 550 (4096 MB)
    • Storage
      22 GB

    Other details

    PEGI 16
    • Languages
      • English
    • Release date
      October 27, 2020
    • Publisher
      505 Games
    • Developers
      One More Level, 3D Realms, Slipgate Ironworks™
    • Works on