Apex Coins | Apex Legends Gift Cards

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    Apex Legends 2150 Apex Coins XBOX LIVE Key UNITED STATES
    Apex Legends 2150 Apex Coins XBOX LIVE Key UNITED STATES
    United States
    Apex Legends 4350 Apex Coins XBOX LIVE Key UNITED STATES
    Apex Legends 4350 Apex Coins XBOX LIVE Key UNITED STATES
    United States
    Apex Legends 2150 Apex Coins Origin Key UNITED STATES
    Apex Legends 2150 Apex Coins Origin Key UNITED STATES
    United States
    Apex Legends 1000 Apex Coins (PS4) (US) PSN Key UNITED STATES
    Apex Legends 1000 Apex Coins (PS4) (US) PSN Key UNITED STATES
    United States
    Apex Legends 11500 Apex Coins (PS4) PSN Key UNITED STATES
    Apex Legends 11500 Apex Coins (PS4) PSN Key UNITED STATES
    United States
    Apex Legends 11500 Apex Coins XBOX LIVE Key UNITED STATES
    Apex Legends 11500 Apex Coins XBOX LIVE Key UNITED STATES
    United States
    Apex Legends 1000 Apex Coins Origin Key UNITED STATES
    Apex Legends 1000 Apex Coins Origin Key UNITED STATES
    United States

    If you are into competitive, cutting-edge games then you probably already know Apex Legends from Electronic Arts and Respawn Entertainment. It’s a free-to-play, first-person multiplayer shooter where players compete in tactical shooting battles. However, this game also features amazing Apex Coins that can surely enrich your experience with the game and bring it to new levels. Find everything that you need to know in our Apex Legends Gift Cards guide and buy these coins at a cheaper price today!

    What are Apex coins?

    They are in-game currency in the Apex Legends game that is used for purchasing various virtual in-game items, cosmetic upgrades for characters as well as weapons, and a random selection of virtual items. Furthermore, with these coins you can buy cosmetic Apex Packs, things in the Rotating Store, and unlock new characters that are known as Legends. Since Apex Legends is a free-to-play game, it’s only natural that it has to have some kind of microtransactions that could let developers keep the game free and going, because it’s the main income for the game. The process of purchasing Apex Legends coins is made very simple and user-friendly since an in-game store is easy to access and navigate. Don’t forget that these coins won’t make you a better player, since they only provide a cosmetic edge, so you can play the game without them. It’s a totally optional deal. Yet, if you want to get the most unique skins and weapons or just simply to look cool, then buying cheap Apex Coins is the way to go!

    How to get Apex coins?

    You can buy Apex coins for Xbox and PC directly through the in-game store or buy Apex gift cards as a code from our marketplace. Keep in mind that third-party resellers such as Eneba marketplace offer Apex Legends gift cards always at a cheaper price! Also, you can buy them as a gift for friends or family members – this will most definitely make them happy! It’s a nice way to enrich an experience with the game and at the same time support the developers. Don’t forget that the best option is to buy these coins in bulk, because it will give even more advantages to your experience, which is worth more than the money spent.

    What can you do with Apex coins?

    With this currency, you can buy various cosmetic, virtual in-game items, such as cosmetic upgrades for characters in the form of skins, as well as weapons and a random selection of virtual in-game items. Also, you can purchase cosmetic Apex Packs, things in the Rotating Store, and unlock new characters that are known as Legends. All this and even more are waiting for you to be explored when purchasing Apex Legends gift cards at the Eneba marketplace at a cheaper price!

    How much do Apex coins cost?

    Take a look at usual Apex legends coins prices:

    • 1,000 Apex Coins price – $9.99/€9.99;
    • 2,000 (+150 bonus) Apex Coins – $19.99/€19.99;
    • 4,000 (+350 bonus) Apex Coins – $39.99/€39.99;
    • 6,000 (+750 bonus) Apex Coins – $59.99/€59.99;
    • 10,000 (+1,500 bonus) Apex Coins – $99.99/€99.99.

    But don’t forget that third-party resellers such as Eneba sell these coins at even cheaper prices! If you want to improve your Apex Legends experience and save your precious money, then buy Apex Legends gift cards here today!

    How to redeem Apex coins?

    Follow these steps to redeem coins:

    • Sign in to your EA account;
    • Click "Redeem Product Code";
    • Enter the code in which you purchase by clicking on "My Card";
    • The balance has now been added to your Apex Legends account.