2010 FIFA World Cup: South Africa PSP

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2010 FIFA World Cup: South Africa PSP
100%(Artículos vendidos 5)
2,13 US$
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Publicado hace 15 días Última actualización 15 días
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Descripción del producto del vendedor

Videojuego Tekken 6, para la consola Play Station Portable, sin carátula ni manual (folleto). En buen estado general. Ideal para jugar o coleccionar. Podemos hacer lotes para ahorrar en el envío. Hacemos envios. Más juegos, lotes, wii, nintendo, ds, dsi, 2ds, 3ds, play, xbox, coleccionables y mucho más en nuestro perfil
Estado:Buen estado

Un artículo usado pero en buenas condiciones. Puede tener daños menores en la caja, incluidos rasguños o grietas, o en la cubierta del artículo, incluidos raspaduras o agujeros.

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    Descripción del producto

    2010 FIFA World Cup: South Africa CD

    Every game begins its journey with a spark of imagination inside someone’s mind, and 2010 FIFA World Cup: South Africa CD on PSP was no exception. Developers from Electronic Arts Canada worked very long and hard to bring this idea to life with the help of EA SPORTS, and the game launched on 2010-04-27 was met with great excitement by many. Unwind after a long day or spend your leisure time with a good game in your hands that grants you a worthwhile gaming experience. Buy 2010 FIFA World Cup: South Africa PSP CD at a great price and enjoy not only the set of enveloping gameplay features but also a memorable time spent having fun!

    Sports genre

    The Sports video game genre already matches definitions of what a sport is. To succeed in both virtual and real life while playing this sport, you need to practice, enter a competition, use similar skills, comply with the rules and eventually win the match. 2010 FIFA World Cup: South Africa PSP CD gives you everything the sport is and much more. You’re able to direct the movement of virtual characters and have a God-like vision too. See how these features help you succeed and make the sport itself more captivating than ever before!


    Don’t miss out on 2010 FIFA World Cup: South Africa CD! Step into this title’s impressive world and enjoy the innovative gameplay with these features:

    • • Action – This title includes challenges that have to be overcome by utilizing such skills as precision, quick response time, etc.;
    • • Arcade – This title focuses on beating colourful levels which get more difficult every time you get better;
    • • Competitive – This title emphasizes improving your skills, creating effective strategies, and beating opponents in matches;
    • • Online multiplayer – You can play with other players in online matches via the internet;
    • • Physics – The world of the title was built with realistic physics in mind;
    • • Simulator – You can experiment with simulations of real-life activities presented in a virtual world;
    • • Singleplayer – Players can engage with the story of the solo campaign;
    • • Team-based – You have to complete matches by cooperating with your teammates.

    ¿Cómo funciona la compra?

    Más información sobre el
    Este artículo es vendido por un vendedor individual. Más información

    Detalles del pedido

    • Inglés
    Fecha de lanzamiento
    • Abril 27, 2010
    • Electronic Arts
    • Electronic Arts Canada
    Funciona en
    • PSP

    Reseñas del vendedor: 5

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