Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice Nintendo 3DS

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Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice Nintendo 3DS
97.86%(Artículos vendidos 876)
21,63 US$
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Publicado hace 1 año Última actualización 11 días
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Descripción del producto del vendedor

Juego en muy buen estado y en perfecto funcionamiento, con caja, cartucho y manuales, el juego está completamente en español.
Estado:Muy buen estado

Un artículo usado pero que aún se encuentra en muy buenas condiciones. Sin daños en la caja o la cubierta del artículo, sin raspaduras, rayaduras, grietas o agujeros. Se incluyen las instrucciones y la caja. Los dientes del soporte del disco no están dañados. Mínimo desgaste en el exterior del artículo.

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    Descripción del producto

    Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice CD

    If you’re seeking a action-adventure game that offers a different perspective and is entertaining to play, halt your search! Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice CD, available on Nintendo 3DS, is an instantly atmospheric game that pulls you into the virtual world right away. Developed by Sanzaru Games with a generous hand and published by SEGA, the game boasts high-quality and smooth gameplay with features that challenge you and reward you with an unforgettable gaming experience. Buy Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice Nintendo 3DS CD at a lucrative price and dive into another video game inspired by wild imagination and innovation that enriches the action-adventure genre and your personal experience!

    Action-adventure genre

    Try yourself out in a mix of elements from both action and adventure game genres. Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice Nintendo 3DS CD can provide you with a compelling storyline in which you’ll have to face physical and conceptual challenges. You’ll be required to react and move fast in intense combat as well as think strategically and critically while solving puzzles. The game’s a great boost for those who have mastered the skills of the individual game genres and want to test the mix of them altogether. It also fits those who simply want to develop these skills. After all, who doesn’t like a good challenge?


    Besides an impressive world and intuitive gameplay, Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice CD includes many features that will keep you glued to the screen all night! Here’s what you get to enjoy with this title:

    • • Fighting game – You have to use your hands or weapons to knock out various characters in close combat;
    • • Local multiplayer – You can participate in online matches with other players on the same network connection as you or via split-screen;
    • • Mini-games – You can take a much-needed break by partaking in various other activities;
    • • Platformer – You have to jump, climb, and use various abilities to reach the end of the level;
    • • Side-scroller – You see environments and characters from one side and can only move right or left;
    • • Singleplayer – The game features a solo campaign with a story.

    ¿Cómo funciona la compra?

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    Detalles del pedido

    • Italiano
    • Alemán
    • Francés
    • Español
    • Inglés
    Fecha de lanzamiento
    • Septiembre 27, 2016
    • SEGA
    • Sanzaru Games
    Funciona en
    • Nintendo 3DS

    Reseñas del vendedor: 854

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