The Last Airbender Wii

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The Last Airbender Wii
100%(Artículos vendidos 101)
20,82 US$
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Publicado hace 1 año Última actualización 19 días
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  • Blu-rayEsta es una edición física del producto ( Blu-ray )

Descripción del producto del vendedor

Airbender para Wii como nuevo poco uso pal españa
Estado:Como nuevo

Un artículo que parece recién sacado de su envoltura original. Sin desgaste visible y todos los detalles del artículo son impecables e intactos.

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    Descripción del producto

    The Last Airbender CD

    Critics and gamers alike have received this game with welcoming hands and gave it a positive rating for a reason. When speaking about action-adventure games, The Last Airbender CD on Wii is one of the first video games that should pop up as it boasts engrossing gameplay followed by memorable experiences and unforgettable moments. Developed by teams from Halfbrick Studios and published by a renowned company THQ on 2010-06-29, the game holds up to the standards of noteworthy video games. A set of nifty gameplay features introduce novelty to the genre that is already brimming with titles, and you are in for a ride with this one. Buy The Last Airbender Wii CD cheaper today!

    Action-adventure genre

    If you like action and puzzles, then The Last Airbender Wii CD is for you. Coming from the hybrid genre of action-adventure games, it’ll sweep you off your feet immediately. It won’t only test how fast and accurate you are, it will also test your ability to think in the most ingenious ways. Get ready to test a bunch of your skills, maybe some of which you didn’t know existed. Reflexes, hand-eye coordination, logic, and problem-solving will be just a few of them.


    Step into the riveting universe with The Last Airbender CD! Spend hours exploring every little feature this title includes:

    • • Atmospheric setting – The immersive world is accompanied by stunning visuals, a charming soundtrack, and fluid gameplay mechanics;
    • • Co-op – This feature allows you to play the game together with friends;
    • • Platformer – You dash, glide, and jump around to traverse various environments;
    • • Singleplayer – Players can engage with the story of the solo campaign;
    • • Story-rich – This game builds an excellent story that is mechanically strong and includes well-designed experiences;
    • • Superpowers – The characters of the world possess various magical abilities.

    ¿Cómo funciona la compra?

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    Este artículo es vendido por un vendedor individual. Más información

    Detalles del pedido

    Fecha de lanzamiento
    • Junio 29, 2010
    • THQ
    • HalfBrick Studioes
    Funciona en
    • Wii

    Reseñas del vendedor: 98

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