Fallout 3 Steam Key GLOBAL

Fallout 3 Steam Key GLOBAL

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    Fallout 3 Steam key

    Fallout 3 was released in 2008 and it was the first Fallout game developed and published by Bethesda. It’s also the first 3D game in the Fallout series, with the previous installments being turn-based shooters that displayed the action from an isometric perspective. As it came out, Fallout 3 received immediate critical acclaim and secured its place among such legendary sci-fi action RPGs like Deus Ex, Mass Effect and Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. Buy Fallout 3 Steam key and delve into a post-apocalyptic game which became a definitive title for this genre.

    Epic story with detailed world-building

    Fallout 3 will be especially rewarding for those looking for a well-written story, detailed world-building, and an atmospheric gameplay experience. Fallout series takes place in an alternate future timeline defined by the prominence of the retro 1950s culture. The year is 2277. It’s been 200 years since the Great War – a nuclear exchange between USA and Communist China that turned planet Earth into a post-apocalyptic wasteland filled with violence and mutant abominations created by radiation. Buy Fallout 3 key to play as a lone wanderer who leaves a secure nuclear shelter Vault 101 to look for his (or her) father (voiced by Liam Neeson) in a war-torn wasteland that was once Washington D.C.

    Non-linear story progression in an open world 

    Once you leave Vault 101, Fallout 3 becomes an open-world game that has the main campaign, but you can approach the objectives in any order you please. There’s plenty of room for rewarding exploration and an abundance of side-quests all of which make up the non-linear progression structure of the game. Similarly, there exists more than one way to accomplish quests and develop your character. Buy Fallout 3 key and explore different character customization options. Choose everything from your gender, to your looks and upgrade your character’s perks, skills, abilities and eventually train yourself to wear the iconic Power Armor!

    Enjoy brutal combat animations with the V.A.T.S. system!

    Gameplay-wise Fallout 3 can be played both as a third-person shooter as well as a first-person shooter. During combat, you can fight manually or enjoy awesome animations provided by Vault-Tec Assisted Targeting System (V.A.T.S.). This system is a homage to previous Fallout games in which combat was turn-based. Using V.A.T.S. pauses the game and allows you to target specific body parts of the enemy. Be warned, this game is not for young children! Once you buy Fallout 3 Steam key you’ll find yourself constantly watching violent V.A.T.S. animations that contain dismemberment of limbs, exploding heads and people being turned into a bloody mess of body parts! Not to mention the wide variety of sci-fi weaponry you’ll get to use. Get the Fallout 3 key and experience the iconic title with blood-boiling action and a rich post-apocalyptic setting like no other!

    Kinakailangang sistema

    Pinakamaliit na kailangan ng sistema

    • Kinakailangang sistema
      Windows XP / Vista
    • Processor
      2.4 Ghz Intel Pentium 4
    • Memorya
      1 GB (XP) / 2 GB (Vista)
    • Mga grapika
      Gece 9800
    • Imbakan
      7 GB

    Inirerekumendang mga kinakailangan sa sistema

    • Processor
      Intel Core 2 Duo
    • Memorya
      2 GB RAM
    • Mga grapika
      NVIDIA 8800
    • Imbakan
      7 GB

    Iba pang mga detalye

    PEGI 18
    • Mga wika
      • Aleman
      • Espanyol
      • Ingles
      • Italyano
      • Pranses
    • Petsa ng paglabas
      Oktubre 28, 2013
    • Publisher
      Bethesda Softworks
    • Mga developer
      Bethesda Game Studios
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