Rust (PC) Steam Key EUROPE

Rust (PC) Steam Key EUROPE

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    Rust Steam key

    If you want to test yourself through a real challenge – buy Rust key and engage in what might arguably be the toughest game on Steam! Published and developed by Facepunch Studios, Rust is a cruel online-only open-world survival game played from the first-person perspective. Nevertheless, Rust is also extremely rewarding for those who manage to demonstrate dedication and learn its intricacies. If you like games like Minecraft or DayZ, then Rust definitely deserves your attention!

    From zero to hero

    As you begin the game, you’ll find yourself controlling a randomly generated in-game avatar based on your Steam number. Don’t be shocked, as you’ll begin your battle for survival completely nude! Buy Rust key to experience a high stakes game where you start everything from scratch and work your way up to become the top-dog on the server!

    Survival is the main goal

    Rust pretty much puts you in the shoes of a survivor who’s akin to Bear Grylls from the legendary Ultimate Survival show from the Discovery channel. Just add hostile players and radiation zones to the mix. Through the game, your main means of survival is crafting. You’ll start from using rocks, gathering materials as well as blueprints to make better tools and eventually built a shelter to protect yourself from environmental hazards. Just don’t forget to restock your tool closet, as the base needs maintenance to prevent decay.

    Hostile players

    Buy Rust key to participate in one of the most competitive survival games out there! There can be up to 400 players on the server, each one of them being just as desperate about their survival as you are. Other survivors can kill you in your sleep while you are offline in order to steal your loot! Of course, if you are playing with friends or if your random encounters with strangers don’t turn into verbal combat or otherwise, there’s always a possibility for cooperation.  

    Assortment of weapons

    Even though you’ll use primitive tools and weapons at the beginning (like bow and arrows or axe), don’t expect a game about the stone age, once you’ll buy Rust key. Eventually, as you find better materials and better loot, you’ll gain access to more traditional FPS guns like crossbows, handguns, shotguns and assault rifles. You’ll also use gear like anti-radiation suits to access dangerous areas for high-value rewards. As a whole, Rust requires patience, but this is what gives its open-world survival experience the characteristic charm!

    Kinakailangang sistema

    Pinakamaliit na kailangan ng sistema

    • Kinakailangang sistema
      Windows 7 64bit
    • Processor
      2 GHz
    • Memorya
      8 GB RAM
    • Imbakan
      8 GB
    • Mga Karagdagang Tala
      Broadband Internet connection

    Inirerekumendang mga kinakailangan sa sistema

    • Kinakailangang sistema
      Windows 10 64bit
    • Processor
      3 GHz
    • Memorya
      16 GB RAM
    • Mga grapika
      Nvidia GTX 980
    • Imbakan
      10 GB HD

    Iba pang mga detalye

    • Mga wika
      • Aleman
      • Espanyol
      • Hapon
      • Ingles
      • Italyano
      • Koreano
      • Pranses
      • Russian
      • Simplified Chinese
    • Petsa ng paglabas
      Disyembre 11, 2013
    • Publisher
      Facepunch Studios
    • Mga developer
      Facepunch Studios
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