Ground of Aces Demo Pulls on Patriotic Heartstrings

Swiss-Polish indie game developer Blindflug Studios released a new demo on March 12, 2025 of their upcoming creation Ground of Aces, a base building game specifically aimed at World War II airfields.
To pull on the heartstrings of players, the demo opens up with the famous quote from British Prime Minister Winston Churchill: “Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few,” referring to the fighter pilots who fought in the Battle of Britain against the German Luftwaffe.
Players must build airfields complete with supplies, vehicles, planes, and pilots to stave off the assault of the German airforce. It’s possible to re-create the RAF Lichfield airfield, the busiest one in Staffordshire during the war, or allow for inspiration to create something entirely different.
“The demo is a first glimpse into the world of Ground of Aces. Starting with a small British airfield, players will get to experience the thrill of building and commanding a wartime air base, taking care of iconic World War II aircraft, and making tough strategic choices regarding missions from HQ,” the press release said.
Inspiration And Artwork
Ground of Aces draws its inspiration from base-building games like Rimworld and Going Medieval together with a bit of Hearts of Iron IV. The game is said to offer players a small insight of the challenges airbases and their crews faced against tremendous odds.
The artwork pays homage to Franco-Belgian “Ligne Claire” (Clear Line) style of cartoon comics like Biggles and Buck Danny, pioneered by Hergé, the creator of The Adventures of Tintin. This became a defining look for European comics between the 1930s and 1950s.
Ground of Aces Gameplay
Bases can be designed with complete freedom making each decision a step towards creating something unique. During construction, the base will need to be defended at all costs while fighter pilots must be dispatched on critical missions.
It’s up to the player to take command of a fleet of planes and choose which types are used in the different missions. The fleet must also be maintained and battle-ready in case the airfield comes under attack.
As the commander, players can interact with the crew on the base and get to know their personal stories, vicariously live through their hardships and triumphs while getting a feel of the weight of their losses.