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    ICARUS Steam key

    A terraforming mission gone wrong turns a prospective alien planet’s air toxic, completely crushing humanity’s hope in ever calling it a second home. But this failure ultimately unearths a new exotic matter, valuable material that allowed the common man to unlock advanced new technologies. Now, you are part of the interstellar gold rush in RocketWerkz newest game - ICARUS. A session-based PvE survival experience, here players step onto the inhospitable planet for timed missions to gather as much of these exotics as possible. Those who manage to return to orbit are hailed as veterans while those who cannot are lost forever. Will you be able to withstand the brutal environments of the ICARUS Steam key?

    ICARUS gameplay features

    The world of the ICARUS key is determined to wear you down and tear you apart. A seemingly minor mistake can prove to be fatal at the most critical moment, so tread carefully.

    • Survive. Icarus is a planet with a temper, so preparation and planning are everything if you don’t want to perish - toxic atmosphere, savage wildlife, and game-altering weather events will make your hunt for exotics even more risky;
    • Explore. Every biome holds treasure and resources needed for survival - harvest the trees and voxel mine the rocks;
    • Craft. Your odds of survival will improve after each session, just make sure to invest into the skills you need - choose from unique planetary tech, player talents and orbital workshop skills;
    • Escape. The orbital spaceship waits for no one, so return to the dropship in time or lose everything to planet Icarus;
    • Build. Building a permanent Outpost on the planet’s surface is also an option - start a settlement, hangout with other prospectors and test your architectural skills;
    • • Cheap ICARUS price.

    Some fates are worse than death

    Due to the new and highly sought-after exotic materials, various corporations are vying for control of the alien planet. It’s great for you since riskier missions also bring better rewards but without proper planning and resources, you might just end up perishing on the toxic surface. Thankfully, you don’t have to face the challenges of the ICARUS Steam key alone - explore the exotic environment together with 7 other prospectors, deepen your knowledge of Icarus, and build your fortune.

    Persyaratan sistem

    Persyaratan sistem minimum

    • Dukungan 64bit
    • Persyaratan sistem
      Windows 10
    • Prosesor
      Intel i5 8400
    • Memori
      16 GB RAM
    • Grafik
      Nvidia GTX 1060
    • DirectX
    • Penyimpanan
      70 GB

    Persyaratan sistem yang disarankan

    • Dukungan 64bit
    • Persyaratan sistem
      Windows 10
    • Prosesor
      Intel i9-9900K
    • Memori
      32 GB RAM
    • Grafik
      NVIDIA GTX 3060ti
    • DirectX
    • Penyimpanan
      70 GB

    Detail lainnya

    • Bahasa
      • Bahasa inggris
    • Tanggal rilis
      3 Desember 2021
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