Aliens Colonial Marines Limited Edition Xbox 360

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Aliens Colonial Marines Limited Edition Xbox 360
99.32%(Parduotos prekės 5458)
18,22 USD
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    Aliens Colonial Marines Limited Edition CD

    The Limited Edition Pack includes:

    • • 4 movie characters: Play as Apone, Hicks, Hudson and Drake from the Aliens™ movie in competitive multiplayer;
    • • Ripley's Flamethrower: Raise hell with this pulse rifle and flamethrower combo;
    • • Additional marine customisation: Define the look of your marine in online multiplayer.

    Interactivity is one aspect of video games that make them an engrossing form of digital entertainment, and Aliens Colonial Marines Limited Edition CD on Xbox 360 is no exception! Developed by no other than Gearbox Software and published by SEGA on 2013-02-11, the game boasts high-quality gameplay enhanced by a set of engaging features to provide a fun and challenging experience for you. If you want to try something new in the horizon of action video games, Aliens Colonial Marines Limited Edition CD is a splendid choice as it represents the essence of the genre and also adds a fresh take on it. Buy Aliens Colonial Marines Limited Edition Xbox 360 CD cheaper and begin your adventurous time today!

    Action genre

    Since Aliens Colonial Marines Limited Edition Xbox 360 CD is an action game, players will become a part of a highly unique and personal experience. They can expect to be in total control of the character. From identifying the target to choosing the right means of delivery, it’ll all be in the player’s hands. Don’t forget – with great power comes great responsibility. Being in control means being able to take risks, make fast decisions, and create strategies for your character to succeed in combat and stay alive.


    Aliens Colonial Marines Limited Edition CD doesn't just provide a base game that one might put away for good after a while of gaming. This title offers, above all, an engaging experience that challenges your abilities! Let's take a look at some of the features that help achieve this:

    • • Aliens – You get to encounter various extraterrestrials;
    • • Atmospheric setting – The immersive world is accompanied by stunning visuals, a charming soundtrack, and fluid gameplay mechanics;
    • • Character customization – Players can modify various aspects of their chosen character such as appearance, equipment, skills, and more;
    • • Co-op – Complete missions by doing them together with friends;
    • • FPS – This title emphasizes intense combat and includes hordes of enemies, a plethora of weapons, sizeable maps, and more;
    • • Gore – The game includes gratuitous use of blood and graphic depictions of dismemberment;
    • • Great soundtrack – The gameplay is accompanied by a soundtrack that echoes all the ups and downs happening in the game;
    • • Horror – This title features an intense and dreadful atmosphere, various monsters, dilapidated environments, and bone-chilling encounters;
    • • Multiplayer – This feature allows you to play with others;
    • • Sci-fi setting – The game explores the fears and opportunities of the future of mankind;
    • • Space setting – You get to explore the seemingly endless galaxy and visit faraway planets, star systems, and more;
    • • Survival – You have to use resources wisely and utilize various strategies to stay alive as long as possible.

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    Kita informacija

    Išleidimo data
    • Vasario 12, 2013
    • SEGA
    • SEGA
    • Gearbox Software
    • TimeGate Studios
    • Demiurge Studios [Wii U]
    • Xbox 360

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