We Happy Few PlayStation 4
Parduoti tokį patį- Siunčiama iš LietuvaJungtinės Amerikos Valstijos yra šalis, į kurią pristatymas negalimas
- Blu-rayFizinė produkto versija (Blu-ray)
Pardavėjo prekės aprašymas
Naudotas, bet labai geros būklės daiktas. Nepažeista dėžutė, nėra įbrėžimų, įtrūkimų ar skylių. Disko laikiklio danteliai nepažeisti. Minimalus išorinis nusidėvėjimas.
Kaip vyksta pirkimas?
Sužinok apieTaip pat yra ir rinkiniuose:
- 56,61 USDKaina sumažėjo-18%Jungtinės Amerikos Valstijos yra šalis, į kurią pristatymas negalimasPaskelbta prieš 1 metus
Žaidimų rinkinys. Žaidimai idealios būkles, originalioje pakuotėje. Išsiunčiu per 24h.
Įvertinimai: 0
Prekės aprašymas
We Happy Few | Used PS4 Disk
It’s the 1960’s, the World War II is over and forgotten, the world is at peace, everything is beautiful, everyone is happy! Or are they?
Once you get into playing We Happy Few used PS4 CD you uncover a world of mystery unlike any other!
Intriguing Story
When you start off in the We Happy Few used PS4 CD game everything seems as good as can be, however, you will soon unveil a world of depression. Apparently, not everything is as good as it seems to be, people have been taking certain medication that has been making them happy and disguises the horrors of everyday life.
There are three main characters in We Happy Few used PS4 CD, however it is playing as the first one of them, Arthur, when you first decide to stop taking this medication, making people judge you and even hate you! While in the game you will switch between taking and getting off the medication which will lighten up your world in between the real-life horror!
Immersing World
If you like narrative-based games, you won’t regret if you buy We Happy Few used PS4 CD used PS4 CD, as the characters you find in the game are, along with the incredible cutscenes and amazing voiceover work makes for an incredible experience! The game is meant to be experienced more than it is to be ‘played’, although you are always in control of you characters’ actions, and that’s what you really feel from the moment you start – it is as much an experience, as it is a game!
Kaip vyksta pirkimas?
Sužinok apieKita informacija
- Portugalų
- Ispanų
- Rusų
- Anglų
- Italų
- Japonų
- Prancūzų
- Vokiečių
- Kinų
- Rugpjūčio 9, 2018
- Microsoft Studios
- Gearbox Publishing
- Compulsion Games
- Compulsion Games
- Gearbox Publishing
- PlayStation 4
Pardavėjo atsiliepimai: 17
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