9 Monkeys of Shaolin (PC) Steam Key EUROPE

9 Monkeys of Shaolin (PC) Steam Key EUROPE

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    9 Monkeys of Shaolin Steam Key

    9 Monkeys of Shaolin release date marks a true rebirth of the iconic beat 'em up the genre in the vein of old-school video games. If as a child you spent hours and hours playing SNES or SEGA beat 'em up videogames, then this trip is the embodiment of the nostalgia! If you are new to the game, then you are up for some frenzied ride with this indie RPG game mixing up the elements of action and platform genres seamlessly. Buy 9 Monkeys of Shaolin Steam key and witness the unlikely transformation of a fisherman into a revenge-seeking warrior!

    A gripping, action-driven story

    The journey begins with a terrible incident that changed the life of Wei Cheng forever - his friends and family slaughtered in a pirate raid at the peaceful village he holds so dearly. You, brave adventurer, assume the role of the heartbroken Wei and set out on a journey of revenge. Do not be mistaken! Although a simple fisherman, he is the master of ancient martial arts, learned from the legendary Shaolin monks. Traverse Medieval China and face hordes of merciless enemies with fists that know no kindness and heart shrouded in pain and sorrow. Buy 9 Monkeys of Shaolin game key today and challenge yourself! Can you master the combat system and defeat them all?

    Enemy clans to take down

    There are five enemy clans in the game: the Green clan, the Red clan, the White clan, the Yellow clan, and the Black clan. Each clan leader is a mystery wearing a mask from the Japanese Noh theatre, which reflects his or her personality. At the end of each mission, you get improvement points that can be spent in the camp of the teaching monk. A conversation with him will bring up a branched technique tree, in which you can further develop your skills and techniques, choose what to acquire or strengthen. With 9 Monkeys of Shaolin key, you are bound to experience immersive real-time combat, facing several enemies at once and maneuvering between them to emerge from the fight unwounded!

    Major gameplay features

    9 Monkeys of Shaolin Steam key has engaging gameplay features in store for the most immersive and gratifying gaming experience for the fans of indie RPG games:

    • Enthralling narrative. With his life in shambles, Wei Cheng chooses a path of revenge instead of picking the pieces, and you are here to help him achieve his goal in this long journey of loss and unmatched heartache;
    • Dynamic combat system. Face hordes of enemies and clans by utilizing a dynamic combat system and improving your skillset in the skill tree;
    • High-quality graphics. Enjoy the high-tech visualizations and resolution in a masterfully recreated world of China, Japan, and Sonkwo;
    • • Cheaper 9 Monkeys of Shaolin price.

    Keperluan sistem

    Keperluan sistem minimum

    • Keperluan sistem
      Windows 7 SP1/8.1/10 x64
    • Pemproses
      Intel Core i3-6300 / AMD FX-8370
    • Memori
      4 GB RAM
    • Grafik
      NVIDIA GeForce GT 630 / AMD Radeon HD 5570
    • DirectX
    • Rangkaian
      Broadband Internet connection
    • Penyimpanan
      7 GB
    • Nota Tambahan
      Recommended Controllers: Xbox 360 Controller (Windows 7 SP1/8.1) Xbox One Wireless Controller (Windows 10)

    Keperluan sistem yang disyorkan

    • Keperluan sistem
      Windows 7 SP1/8.1/10 x64
    • Pemproses
      Intel Core i5-6600 / AMD Ryzen 5 2500X
    • Memori
      8 GB RAM
    • Grafik
      GeForce GTX 660 2GB / AMD Radeon HD 7870 2GB
    • DirectX
    • Rangkaian
      Broadband Internet connection
    • Penyimpanan
      7 GB
    • Nota Tambahan
      Recommended Controllers: Xbox 360 Controller (Windows 7 SP1/8.1) Xbox One Wireless Controller (Windows 10)

    Butiran lain

    PEGI 12
    • Bahasa
      • Bahasa Inggeris
      • Bahasa Rusia
    • Tarikh keluar
      16 Oktober 2020
    • Penerbit
      Buka Entertainment
    • Pembangun
      Sobaka Studio
    • Berfungsi pada