Blasphemous Steam Key GLOBAL

Blasphemous Steam Key GLOBAL

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    Blasphemous Steam key

    A brand-new adventure for those who can’t get enough of Dark Souls’ morbid setting or the players who loved Dead Cells’ non-linearity and custom playstyle. And pixels, you have to love pixels! Buy Blasphemous key and step into the dark and twisted land of Cvstodia, which was besieged by cruel power that contorted the world into a grotesque scene.

    Punishingly rewarding

    To those who are familiar with the Dark Souls franchise, the game’s mechanics might be slightly familiar. And those who have no idea what Souls-like tag means, you are in for a treat! Basically, be prepared to fail a whole lot, but keep in mind that all your suffering will be worth great rewards – or at least the satisfaction of beating the hard part of the game! Now go ahead and do that dozen more times! But do not worry, all your suffering will become easier as you move along and unlock further customization! Buy Blasphemous key, take up your sword and get to work - the world will not save itself.

    Metroidvania’s dark nephew

    Non-linearity is the key in this game. As you go through the levels, no one will hold your hand. But keep in mind that the more enemies are surrounding the area, the more you probably want to get in. As you gain more rewards, your weaponry increases. And you can battle the foes with more ferociousness. One of the somewhat original things you can do is disembowel your enemies in a surprise execution, all in glorious pixelated action. So, buy Blasphemous key and begin the fierce battle, mash your buttons, time your combos and dominate the desolate and desperate world. With plenty of secrets to uncover and people to meet or aid, there will surely be something that will occupy your time and attention.

    Your playstyle

    Customization of your character is one of the things that elevate this game above some of the others in the genre. While you can’t particularly pick the colour of your outfit, you are free to gather enhancing items, such as Relics, Rosary Beads, Prayers and Sword Hearts. Buy Blasphemous key and experience how these special items can give you new abilities, increase your stats and just build your overall power. And you will need all the help you can get to battle those terrible monstrous bosses who want to rip you to pieces. Thus, steel yourself for failure and take steps to save the world, one horrible monster at the time.

    Keperluan sistem

    Keperluan sistem minimum

    • Keperluan sistem
      Windows 7 64-bit
    • Pemproses
      Intel Core2 Duo E8400 or AMD Phenom II x2 550
    • Memori
      4 GB RAM
    • Grafik
      GeForce GTX 260 or Radeon HD 4850
    • Penyimpanan
      4 GB
    • Nota Tambahan
      Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system

    Keperluan sistem yang disyorkan

    • Keperluan sistem
      Windows 10
    • Pemproses
      Intel Core i5-750 or AMD Phenom II x4 945
    • Memori
      4 GB RAM
    • Grafik
      GeForce GTX 650 or Radeon HD 5770
    • Penyimpanan
      4 GB
    • Nota Tambahan
      Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system

    Butiran lain

    PEGI 16
    • Bahasa
      • Bahasa Cina
      • Bahasa Inggeris
      • Bahasa Itali
      • Bahasa Jerman
      • Bahasa Perancis
      • Bahasa Rusia
      • Bahasa Sepanyol
      • Portuguese - Brasil
    • Tarikh keluar
      10 September 2019
    • Penerbit
      Team17 Digital Ltd
    • Pembangun
      The Game Kitchen
    • Berfungsi pada