Jagged Alliance 3 (PC) Steam Key GLOBAL

Jagged Alliance 3 (PC) Steam Key GLOBAL

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    Jagged Alliance 3 (PC) Steam Key

    Jagged Alliance is one of the oldest turn-based tactics genre series in the west. The first game of this series was released in 1995. In Jagged Alliance games, you have to strategically control a group of mercenaries in various missions. JA games mix turn-based combat simulation, 4X, and RPG elements. Also, one of the unique features of JA is the humor of characters and their relationships. For example, some characters hate each other, hence they cannot go on the same missions. Players who like deeper, more serious, and challenging tactical games, know this series well, and newbies of JA or this genre will have an opportunity to know this legendary series while playing Jagged Alliance 3 (PC) Steam key.

    Jagged Alliance 3 gameplay features

    Experience these Jagged Alliance 3 elements, which will ensure that you will fall in love with this game:

    • Deep combat. Rich, turn-based type combat won’t let you be bored. You will have to strategically think and operate tactically because only then you will succeed;
    • A variety of characters. Hire a variety of mercenaries, well-known, fan-favorite characters included;
    • A variety of items. Gather and upgrade a huge choice of weaponry and equipment;
    • Upgrades. Choose from a variety of perks for your characters. They will unlock when characters reach new levels;
    • Freedom. Decide the fate of Grand Chien in an open RPG game;
    • Control of the country. Control its territories, train locals, command various mercenary groups, and defend your groups in an open world;
    • Online co-op mode. Experience the campaign of JA 3 together with your friends;
    • • Cheap Jagged Alliance 3 price.

    Last hope for a country

    Jagged Alliance 3 (PC) Steam key game tells a story about a Grand Chien country, rich in natural resources and with deep political divides. The country is thrown into chaos when its President goes missing. A military organization The Legion takes control over the countryside. The President’s family has pulled all their resources (an agreement with the powerful Adonis corporation included) into hiring a group of skilled mercenaries. Their mission is to find the President and bring order back to the country. In the Jagged Alliance 3 game, choose from various skilled mercenaries. Each of them has a unique personality and backstory. Explore the country of Grand Chien, meet new characters, earn money, grow your team, and make your own decisions that will decide the country’s fate.

    Keperluan sistem

    Keperluan sistem minimum

    • Sokongan 64bit
    • Keperluan sistem
      Windows 7, 8, 10
    • Pemproses
      AMD FX-8320 (3.5 GHz) / Intel i5-4690K (3.5 GHz)
    • Memori
      6 GB RAM
    • Grafik
      NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960
    • DirectX
    • Penyimpanan
      20 GB

    Butiran lain

    • Bahasa
      • Bahasa Inggeris
      • Bahasa Jerman
      • Bahasa Rusia
    • Tarikh keluar
      14 Julai 2023
    • Penerbit
      THQ Nordic
    • Pembangun
      Haemimont Games
    • Berfungsi pada