Resident Evil 3 Steam Key EUROPE

Resident Evil 3 Steam Key EUROPE

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    Resident Evil 3 Steam key

    Purchase the Resident Evil 3 Steam key to enjoy a modern remake of the 1999 classic that concluded the phenomenal Resident Evil trilogy back on the first PlayStation console. Just like the original game, Resident Evil 3 Remake is being developed and published by the infamous Japanese video game company Capcom, which holds credit for multiple critically acclaimed and long-running gaming franchises: Devil May Cry; Monster Hunter and Street Fighter among others. With the unprecedented success of Resident Evil 2 Remake in 2019, a modern reimagining of the third installment in the series was simply unavoidable. Resident Evil 3 Steam key offers a game that’s just as ambitious as its predecessor if not more.

    Return to Raccoon City

    The modern remake of Resident Evil 3 will have the player assume the role of Jill Valentine, a famous female co-protagonist of the first Resident Evil game and the sole main character of the third installment. Valentine will once again be forced to survive and escape the Raccoon City – the setting of previous RE games that’s been devasted by a zombie infection known as t-Virus. Get the Resident Evil 3 Steam key to play as a highly trained S.T.A.R.S. operative willing to do everything she can to bring down the Umbrella Corporation that’s responsible for this catastrophe. Even though she’ll join forces with the former members of the UBCS mercenary squad it won’t be any easier, as all of them will be hunted by Umbrella’s tyrannical bioorganic weapon – Nemesis.

    An action-oriented gameplay

    Partially, Resident Evil 3 Nemesis PC will feature a gameplay structure very familiar to the fans of the series: the player will move between isolated, atmospheric environments and solve puzzles to access locked zones, in turn making progress through the game. However, compared to RE2, Resident Evil 3 Steam key will provide a much more action-oriented game. This time around there will be more enemies on the screen at once, more weapons and more ammunition along with different ammunition types, making Resident Evil 3 PC a much more faster-paced experience.

    Resident Evil Resistance

    Along with the remake of Resident Evil 3, Capcom will release an asymmetrical multiplayer mode called Resident Evil Resistance. This mode will include original, never before seen content as well as gameplay very similar to Dead by Daylight and Friday the 13th: The Game. In this 1 versus 4 multiplayer experience, one player will assume the role of an evil Mastermind, setting traps and unleashing monsters upon a group of survivors. By purchasing the Resident Evil 3 Steam key you‘re essentially getting two games, since RE: Resistance is just as elaborate as the base Resident Evil 3 Nemesis PC port. This is just another point in a long list of reasons to become a Resident Evil fan if you’re not one already!

    Keperluan sistem

    Keperluan sistem minimum

    • Keperluan sistem
      WINDOWS 7, 8.1, 10 (64-BIT)
    • Pemproses
      Intel Core i5-4460 or AMD FX-6300
    • Memori
      8 GB RAM
    • Grafik
      NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760 or AMD Radeon R7 260x 2GB Video RAM
    • Nota Tambahan
      Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system

    Butiran lain

    PEGI 18
    • Bahasa
      • Bahasa Cina
      • Bahasa Inggeris
      • Bahasa Itali
      • Bahasa Jepun
      • Bahasa Jerman
      • Bahasa Korea
      • Bahasa Perancis
      • Bahasa Poland
      • Bahasa Rusia
      • Portuguese - Brazil
      • Spanish - Spain
    • Tarikh keluar
      3 April 2020
    • Penerbit
      CAPCOM Co., Ltd.
    • Pembangun
      CAPCOM Co., Ltd.
    • Berfungsi pada