Skully Steam Key EUROPE

Skully Steam Key EUROPE

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    Skully Steam Key

    Blast through twisting rock formations, magma filled caves, and tropical beaches of a remote island in a playful 3D platformer brought to you through a collaboration between developer Finish Line Games and publisher Modus Games! Buy Skully Steam CD key to face the challenges of a charming platforming adventure that will offer hours of entertainment for gamers of all ages!

    Bring harmony to the island!

    Skully game stars a titular protagonist who looks exactly like one might predict – a rolling scull. Brought to life by an elderly Earth elemental through the use of magical clay, Skully is given a task to reconcile a conflict between the other three conflicting elements of Fire, Water, and Air. Each sibling wants to rule the world according to their own vision – buy Skully Steam CD key to balance the forces of nature and save the island from chaos!

    Skully gameplay

    Assume control of a reanimated skull and move at high speed through a variety of levels, each presenting its own challenges, hazards, and environmental puzzles. During these intense runs, pools of clay work as checkpoints that will not only allow you to catch your breath but can also transform into clay golems. Each transformation introduces its own set of special abilities that will aid you in solving puzzles. Gain the power to reposition platforms or utilize brute strength! Buy Skully Steam CD key and explore the possibilities!

    Skully video game features:

    • • A playful 3D platformer set on a tropical island with a variety of eye-catching tropical environments;
    • • Expect an entertaining narrative coupled with good voice acting, great sense of humor but also implying high stakes;
    • • Skully game experience is enriched by three possible clay golem transformations that will grant the player different powers to experiment with;
    • • Lighthearted nature of the game makes it open for enjoyment with the whole family;
    • • Cheap Skully Steam CD key price!

    Keperluan sistem

    Keperluan sistem minimum

    • Keperluan sistem
    • Pemproses
      Dual-core Intel or AMD, 2.5 GHz
    • Memori
      8 GB RAM
    • Grafik
      Nvidia GeForce GTX 470 or AMD Radeon HD 7770
    • DirectX
    • Penyimpanan
      14 GB
    • Nota Tambahan
      Controller recommended for best experience

    Keperluan sistem yang disyorkan

    • Keperluan sistem
    • Pemproses
      Quad-core Intel or AMD, 3.0 GHz
    • Memori
      8 GB RAM
    • Grafik
      Nvidia GeForce GTX 970 or AMD RX 560
    • DirectX
    • Penyimpanan
      14 GB
    • Nota Tambahan
      Controller recommended for best experience

    Butiran lain

    PEGI 7
    • Bahasa
      • Bahasa Inggeris
      • Bahasa Itali
      • Bahasa Jepun
      • Bahasa Jerman
      • Bahasa Korea
      • Bahasa Perancis
      • Bahasa Portugal
      • Bahasa Rusia
      • Simplified Chinese
      • Spanish - Spain
      • Traditional Chinese
    • Tarikh keluar
      4 Ogos 2020
    • Penerbit
      Modus Games
    • Pembangun
      Finish Line Games
    • Berfungsi pada