Talisman: Digital Edition Steam Key GLOBAL

Talisman: Digital Edition Steam Key GLOBAL

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    Talisman: Digital Edition Steam Key

    Nomad Games and Asmodee Digital together masterfully brought to life the Talisman board game so players across the world can enjoy the virtual gameplay of the classical title. Talisman: Digital Edition delivers an adventurous fantasy play, containing elements of strategy, RPG, indie and, of course, action. Dangerous quests, intelligent and powerful enemies, endless amount of challenges, a rewarding experience, single-player campaign, multiplayer mode and immersive gameplay to partake in - Talisman: Digital Edition Steam key offers all this and even more!

    A charming board game experience

    Talisman game (PC) is all about rolling the dice, which determines your movement across the board. The board is made up of two parts – the inner part and the outer part. Each time you land on an outer part of the game board, you are to draw an Adventure Card, which grants you an item or destines you to an event, or condemns you to a fight. Talisman: Digital Edition key has recreated the difficulty and complexity of the original board game, so you are in for quite a challenge! The outer board trains your character by putting it through all kinds of trials, and once you reach the inner board… That’s where the real fun begins.

    Choose your hero

    Talisman: Digital Edition Steam key delivers a wide roster of characters, each of which contains unique strengths and weaknesses along with special skills. You must pay attention closely to the skill-set of an adventurer before you choose, because your journey to the Crown of Commander will not be an easy one! Talisman game (PC) is all about choosing wisely and proceeding with caution, evaluating every choice and action, as strategy, after all, is one of the major gameplay elements. Deadly monsters, powerful rivals and the luck of roll will hinder your journey to achieve the glorious title of the Crown of Commander, but exactly for this reason, each victory is rewarding, no matter how big or small.

    Major Talisman: Digital gameplay features

    Talisman game (PC) offers an entertaining board game experience that has aged well and closely retained the original source.

    • Multiplayer mode. Multiplayer mode supports up to 6 players both online and locally. The progress can be saved and you can spice things up in the hot-seat mode;
    • Importance of moral alignment. Set your alignment to Good, Evil or Neutral based on mortals that you desire your character to follow throughout the game. This affects your direction of the game and interactions with other characters;
    • Adventure Cards. Adventure Cards hold the power to send you off into a battle, grant you an item or have you participate in an event. Note that these cards are critical to build your character;
    • • Cheaper Talisman: Digital Edition price.

    Keperluan sistem

    Keperluan sistem minimum

    • Keperluan sistem
      Windows 7
    • Pemproses
      1.6 GHz
    • Memori
      512 MB RAM
    • Grafik
      1024x600 resolution
    • Penyimpanan
      600 MB

    Butiran lain

    • Bahasa
      • Bahasa Inggeris
      • Bahasa Itali
      • Bahasa Jerman
      • Bahasa Perancis
      • Bahasa Sepanyol
    • Tarikh keluar
      25 Februari 2014
    • Penerbit
      Asmodee Digital
    • Pembangun
      Nomad Games
    • Berfungsi pada