Twelve Minutes (PC) Steam Key EUROPE

Twelve Minutes (PC) Steam Key EUROPE

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    Twelve Minutes (PC) Steam Key

    Although the name of Luís António is not heard by everyone, it would become clear to those more interested in the gaming industry if it is said that this man previously worked for one of the largest western gaming companies “Rockstar Games” and “Ubisoft”. True, these companies were left by a talented artist due to the desire to create independent games. In 2012, he worked on the project The Witness and then set about developing his own games. Twelve Minutes Steam key is an adventure genre game where players are imprisoned in a small apartment where they have to solve repetitive puzzles and thus reveal a mystical secret. Immerse yourself in the mystical Twelve Minutes Steam key story.

    Twelve Minutes game features

    The Twelve Minutes (PC) game is a mystical experience in the adventure genre that imprisons the player in a twelve minute loop where events change each time. The goal of the player is to unravel the mystery surrounding the main character of the game and his family.

    • Unique rhythm of the game. When playing Twelve Minutes, you will return to the very beginning of the game every 12 minutes and experience the events in a different sequence to find out the secrets of the protagonist of the game;
    • Famous game director. Luís António is a former artist at “Rockstar Games” and “Ubisoft”. When playing Twelve Minutes, you can expect the highest level of experience as the game was developed by a specialist in his field who knows how to make compelling and quality games;
    • Praise from Hideo. One of the world’s most prominent game developers, Hideo Kojima, did not spare the praise for Twelve Minutes: “There has been no such game since Inside times,” Hideo said. In fact, Twelve Minutes inspired this famous creator to take on the adventure games of his own;
    • • Cheap Twelve Minutes Steam key price.

    Uncover the mystery of Twelve Minutes

    Twelve Minutes Steam key is played from a top-down perspective, and its action takes place in a small apartment where a married couple lives (voiced by actors James McAvoy and Daisy Ridley). In this adventure genre game, you control a man. You will immediately learn many interesting and frightening details about his family until you finally get to the fatal end of one game cycle and get back to the very beginning, and your goal will be to prevent what happened last time. The twelve-minute cycle will repeat itself and it will be up to you to determine the further fate of the characters.

    Keperluan sistem

    Keperluan sistem minimum

    • Keperluan sistem
      Windows 7
    • Pemproses
      Intel Core i5-2300 | AMD Phenom II X4 965
    • Memori
      2 GB RAM
    • Grafik
      Nvidia GeForce GTS 450, 1 GB | AMD Radeon HD 5770, 1 GB

    Keperluan sistem yang disyorkan

    • Keperluan sistem
      Windows 10
    • Pemproses
      Intel Core i5-6600 | AMD FX-8350
    • Memori
      4 GB RAM
    • Penyimpanan
      Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080, 8 GB | AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT, 8 GB

    Butiran lain

    • Bahasa
      • Bahasa Inggeris
    • Tarikh keluar
      19 Ogos 2021
    • Penerbit
      Annapurna Interactive
    • Pembangun
      Luis Antonio
    • Berfungsi pada