Cloud save games | Buy cheaper!

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    Back in the day, when gaming consoles were new, saving your progress was a feature gamers could only dream about. All they got was a special secret code you could enter and continue your game from a particular level. Later there were memory cards for PS1 until, eventually, gaming consoles and PCs were advanced enough to save game progress in build-in hard drives. Today, with the internet connecting the entire world, you can save your game progress on the cloud and access your game save data from any device or recover your saved data directly from could in case your internal storage gets damaged.

    What are cloud save games?

    Cloud save games is a feature that saves your game progress to a remote server called the cloud. Today, every major platform has a cloud save option, allowing you to play games from different locations. For example, Steam cloud save stores your data in Steam’s servers so that you can continue your progress from any PC or even Steam Deck. Online games like Fortnite or Destiny 2 also store your progress online, linked to your account. That’s why you're able to access all your Fortnite skins on any PC or console.

    How does cloud saving work?

    Cloud saving stores all your game data on a remote server. If your internal storage gets damaged, you can always recover your data from the cloud. For example, most games on Steam support Steam cloud storage, which means you can not only get your lost game save progress back but also pick up where you left off on a different PC or Steam Deck. Steam Cloud save is enabled automatically, but it's always good to check it. You can also enable the cloud save feature on consoles if you have a PS Plus, Xbox Live, or Nintendo Switch Online subscription or upload your saves manually. Some games like Fortnite also allow you to link multiple devices to the same account, and as a result, you can access all your progress and in-game items from any device like PC, console, or even mobile.

    Best games that have cloud saves

    Today, almost every game has a cloud save feature, but take a look at how you can save your data on specific platforms:

    • Games on Steam, Epic, Origin, Uplay. Most of the games on these platforms have the Cloud save feature, which is toggled by default. You can always check if the game has cloud storage on the game’s page;
    • Multiplayer games. Multiplayer games store your data in a remote server so you can always access your progress from the cloud. If you link your Fortnite account to multiple devices, you can access all your in-game items and progress via cloud save;
    • MMO games. All MMO games like World of Warcraft or Final Fantasy XIV store all your data and game save files on the cloud;
    • All Xbox games with Gold subscription. If you subscribe to Xbox Live Gold, you can upload your game save data to Xbox cloud storage manually or toggle the automatic upload feature;
    • All PlayStation games with PS Plus Subscription. With a PS Plus subscription, you can upload your saves to the cloud automatically or manually.
    • All PlayStation games with Nintendo Switch Online Subscription. Switch only stores your data on an internal hard drive, so if your Switch breaks, your saved files can be lost forever. With a Nintendo Switch Online membership, you can upload all your game save data to the cloud.