PlayStation Network Card 750 ZAR (ZA) PSN Key SOUTH AFRICA

PlayStation Network Card 750 ZAR (ZA) PSN Key SOUTH AFRICA

  • Южная АфрикаНевозможно активировать в United States of America
  • PSN
    PSNActivate/redeem on PSN
    Check activation guide
  • Цифровой ключЭто цифровая версия продукта (CD-KEY)Мгновенная доставка
Работает на:
  • PlayStation 3
  • PlayStation 4
  • PlayStation 5
Важное уведомление:
  • No expiration date. Code is valid only for the SOUTH AFRICA PSN store. Make sure that your account is registered to SOUTH AFRICA.

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    Описание продукта

    PlayStation Network Card 750 ZAR

    Add 750 ZAR to a selected PSN account by purchasing the PlayStation gift card 750 ZAR (750 PSN card) code for the Bahrain region. Expand your possibilities on the PlayStation Network or do the same for the person of your choice. Buying a PSN card is a simple, quick and a safe way to enjoy your PlayStation console to the absolute fullest! There’s no basis for hesitation – here are some of the  awesome benefits that come along with this purchase.

    Surprise a PlayStation gamer with a PSN card!

    The original purpose of a PlayStation gift card is for it to be given as a present. While you can certainly use the 750 PSN card for your own needs, it remains convenient to remember that the PlayStation voucher suits any occasion when it comes to gifts. Gamers of this platform will always find ways to use the funds provided by the card to the fullest extent, in turn making it a gift that rewards them with generous freedom of choice. Have no doubt that a gift card like this one will always be appreciated by any PlayStation owner.

    PlayStation Network products

    By purchasing a 750 PSN card one should always keep in mind that PlayStation platform is not limited to gaming alone. Aside from an awesome selection of PlayStation video games and DLC the Sony Entertainment Network Store also features a wide selection of music, movies, TV shows, add-ons, and a  variety of subscription services among which you’ll find PlayStation Now or things like the PS Plus card. Tap into the full potential of PlayStation platform!

    PlayStation gift card has no time limit

    There are multiple ways by which the PlayStation gift card (750 PSN card) helps you gain more by spending less. First and foremost, PSN voucher keys don’t have a stable price, which means that you can buy them cheaper than the monetary value it provides on the PlayStation store. On top of that, a digital PSN card key has no expiration date which means that you can buy the code now and keep it indefinitely so that you won’t have to spend more of your savings in the future.

    Increase the total amount of PSN wallet funds

    Maybe the value 750 PSN card might not be enough for some of the latest triple-A gaming titles but it nevertheless adds to the total amount of funds kept on the PSN account wallet. If you’re giving the 750 ZAR PlayStation gift card to a friend, you might help them save up to that one particular game they wanted. Finally, if for some reason the 750 ZAR card simply won’t cut it, here at the Eneba you can find more Bahrain region PSN gift cards of varying values to choose from. No matter which one you pick, the code redeeming procedure remains the same as the one given below.

    Activation process:

    1. • Open a Sony Network Entertainment account on PSN (or use your existing Sony Entertainment Network account);
    2. • Select the PlayStation®Store icon on the PS4™ system home screen;
    3. • When on the PlayStation Store, select Redeem Codes at the bottom of the menu;
    4. • Enter the key code you’ve received in your email;
    5. • Select Continue on the dialog box;
    6. • Select Confirm to accept the terms and services pop-up;
    7. Click Continue to complete the 750 PSN card code activation!

    Другие детали

    • Дата выпуска
      29 ноября 2013 г.
    • Издатель
      Sony Online Entertainment
    • Разработчики
      Sony Online Entertainment

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