Unruly Heroes Steam Key RU/CIS

Unruly Heroes Steam Key RU/CIS

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    Описание продукта

    Unruly Heroes

    Unruly Heroes is a 2D action-packed adventure game inspired by the famous chinese novel ‘A journey to the west’ better known as the Monkey King Legend. Through acrobatic challenges, players take control of four unlikely heroes and fight a diverse line-up of memorable enemies in solo or coop and be part of an epic adventure in a colorful and fantasy world! Set against lushly illustrated environments in a hand-drawn art style, the game updates that classic tale to make for an epic adventure that is more colorful and lighthearted than the original, while still highlighting the essence of what it takes to be a hero. In addition to this madcap adventure, players will be able to show their kung fu style by fighting their friends in local or online PvP.

    Системные требования

    Минимальные системные требования

    • Системные требования
      Windows 7 (32/64bit)
    • Процессор
      Intel Core i3 2100
    • Память
      4 GB RAM
    • Графика
      nVidia GeForce GeForce GTX 650
    • Накопитель
      4 GB

    Другие детали

    • Языки
      • Английский
    • Дата выпуска
      23 января 2019 г.
    • Издатель
      Magic Design Studios
    • Разработчики
      Magic Design Studios
    • Работает на

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