Old World (PC) Steam Key GLOBAL

Old World (PC) Steam Key GLOBAL

  • GlobalCan be activated in United States of America
  • Steam
    SteamActivate/redeem on Steam
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  • Digital keyThis is a digital edition of the product (CD-KEY)Instant delivery
Works on:
  • Windows
  • Mac
  • Linux

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    Product description

    Old World

    2022-05-19 marks the release date of one of the most prominent titles among strategy games, offering a unique take on characteristics that define this genre. Developed by talented professionals from Mohawk Games and published by the famous Hooded Horse, the title delivers a vibrant experience. Dive into the gameplay of Old World key on Steam that was received well by the gaming community, and holds a promising potential that expands the horizons of this pastime activity. Buy Old World Steam key at a cheaper price and find out for yourself what makes this game so addictive!

    Strategy genre

    Old World Steam key is for those who enjoy connecting the dots and looking at a bigger picture. Even if they’re not yet the best player and they want to develop these skills, strategy games are a great way to do that. This particular game will encourage one to think about how each individual decision will affect the outcome. The player can’t just think a few steps ahead; the player must think through all the steps ahead to succeed. Embark on this challenge and unravel your fullest potential!


    Old World key includes a lot of elements that will keep you glued to the screen for hours on end! Here’s what you get to enjoy with this title:

    • • Action – This title includes challenges that have to be overcome by utilizing such skills as precision, quick response time, etc.;
    • • Management – You have to manage resources you already have, search for new supplies, and overlook your whole business or faction;
    • • Open world – You are free to explore the vast environment full of various locations, hidden secrets, and more;
    • • Simulator – You can do things that you can’t do in the real world via simulations;
    • • Tactical – The gameplay focuses on controlling various combat units during battles and doesn’t require you to manage resources;
    • • Turn-based – Players can move and fight in a restricted manner by only taking turns;
    • • Cheap Old World key.

    System requirements

    Minimum system requirements

    • 64bit support
    • System requirements
      Windows® 7 SP1
    • Processor
      Intel i5-6400 2.7ghz
    • Memory
      8 GB RAM
    • Graphics
      NVIDIA GTX 770 / AMD R9 290
    • DirectX
    • Storage
      10 GB

    Other details

    • Languages
      • English
      • French
      • German
      • Japanese
      • Russian
      • Simplified Chinese
      • Spanish - Spain
      • Traditional Chinese
    • Release date
      May 19, 2022
    • Publisher
      Hooded Horse
    • Developers
      Mohawk Games
    • Works on