Steam Wallet Gift Card 5 EUR Steam Key EUROPE

Steam Wallet Gift Card 5 EUR Steam Key EUROPE

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  • Steam Gift Card
    Steam Gift CardKontrollera aktiveringsguide
  • Digital nyckelDetta är en digital utgåva av produkten (CD-KEY)Omedelbar leverans
Viktigt meddelande:
  • No expiration date. Please note that upon redeeming this product, the amount and the currency stated on the product page will be converted from/to a different currency (depending on your Steam account currency). The amount that will be added to your Steam Wallet balance upon activation may change slightly but will not be lower than stated on the product page.

Övriga erbjudanden



    Steam Wallet Gift Card 5 EUR

    Steam Gift Card is a digital card with a specific sum that you add to your funds to your Steam Wallet account. It enables you to make purchases in the Steam store. Now, most gamers use Steam - a gaming platform housing a large number and variety of digital games and allows you to purchase games directly through the application. 5 EUR Steam card will be a perfect addition to a present for your gamer friend so hurry up and grab yours today!

    How to use a Steam Gift Card?

    Steam Gift Cards vary in value they hold - you can check them all out in our Steam Gift Cards collection. Using a Steam Gift card is relatively easy, you simply have to redeem it in your Steam account in just a few quick steps. Once you redeem the code, 5 EUR will be transferred to your Steam Wallet account in just a few moments! Once it is there, it can stay for an unlimited time until you decide to use it - a very convenient feature. Another great feature upon which Steam prides itself is safe transactions, so all the money circulation within the platform will be carried out smoothly and safely.

    Uses of Steam Gift Card

    Once you redeem a Steam Gift Card and the sum reaches your Steam Wallet account, you are able to make purchases in the Steam store. Steam offers a huge variety of gaming content - video games, DLCs, game accessories and many more exclusive products. Not only do you obtain access to make these purchases, you may also rest assured that your transactions are fast and secure. Steam Gift Card 5 EUR will make a great addition to a present for someone who likes gaming! Or the card may be a small gift to yourself - one has to treat themselves once in a while, after all!

    How to activate a Steam Gift Card?

    Your Steam Gift Card can be redeemed in just a few simple steps:

    • • Login to your Steam account;
    • • First click your account name in the top right of the site, then click Account details;
    • • Click Add Funds to your Steam Wallet;
    • • Click Redeem a Steam Wallet Code;
    • • Enter the Steam Gift Card code that you received in your email;
    • • Click Continue. Note that if you have never used Steam Wallet credit on your account before, you may be prompted to enter your current address in order to determine the correct currency.

    Money should be transferred to your Steam Wallet account in just a few moments. Enjoy your shopping!

    Övriga detaljer

    • Utgivningsdatum
      9 september 2013
    • Utgivare
    • Utvecklare
      Valve Corporation