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    1971 PROJEKT HELIOS Steam key

    Fans of tactical turn-based strategy games like the infamous XCOM series or Wasteland 3 are in for another treat! Buy 1971 PROJECT HELIOS Steam CD key to enjoy a title of the said genre developed and published by a video game company called Recotechnology S.L. Very much like Wasteland, 1971 PROJECT HELIOS is set in a post-apocalyptic world devasted by the ice age and warring factions. Lead your squad through this frozen hell and see yourself triumphant in a fight against numerous enemies and the cold itself!

    1971 PROJECT HELIOS – storyline

    In a world dominated by never-ending winter, eight main characters form an unlikely alliance, if only for the briefest moment, for the sake of reaching a common goal – to find a kidnapped scientist named Dr. Margaret Blythe. Buy 1971 PROJECT HELIOS Steam CD key and help the members of your team to put all of their differences aside and see their mission to the end... whatever it may be. 1971 PROJECT HELIOS features three possible endings, each of which is determined by your decisions made throughout the course of the campaign.

    1971 PROJECT HELIOS – gameplay

    Those who have played turn-based strategy games in the past will feel right at home playing 1971 PROJECT HELIOS. Gameplay is presented from a top-to-bottom perspective and the player will have to take turns with the enemy forces during the battle sequences. Once you buy 1971 PROJECT HELIOS Steam CD key you’ll have to study your enemies and eventually learn to adapt to a multitude of possible combat scenarios that can unfold. There are three main enemy factions in total, each of which relies on different tactics and deploys unique units, with some even possessing qualities like resistance to cold.

    1971 PROJECT HELIOS – RPG elements

    As you move from zone to zone, you’ll get to explore a variety of atmospheric environments like heavily armed military bases or even medieval dungeons. However, the game offers far more than just sightseeing. Aside from engaging TBS combat, one of the reasons to buy 1971 PROJECT HELIOS Steam CD key is the rewarding skill tree-based character progression system. As you’ll visit  different locations, eventually you’ll discover pieces of equipment that can be used to upgrade each individual squad member. This creates exciting possibilities to experiment with different combinations of skills and weapons to make your squad into a real force to be reckoned with!

    รายละเอียดอื่น ๆ

    PEGI 16
    • ภาษา
      • ภาษาฝรั่งเศส
      • ภาษาอิตาลี
      • สเปน
      • อังกฤษ
      • เยอรมัน
    • วันที่วางจำหน่าย
      9 มิถุนายน 2563
    • สำนักพิมพ์
      Recotechnology S.L.
    • นักพัฒนา
      Recotechnology S.L.
    • ทำงานบน