Dolmen (PC) Steam Key EUROPE

Dolmen (PC) Steam Key EUROPE

  • ยุโรปไม่สามารถเปิดใช้งานใน สหรัฐอเมริกา
  • Steam
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  • ดิจิตอลคีย์สินค้านี้เป็นรุ่นดิจิทัล (CD-KEY)จัดส่งทันที
  • Windows





    Dolmen (PC) Steam Key

    No innovation was made without a crazy idea. And Dolmen (PC) Steam Key offers both things! On development by Massive Work Studio, it’s an adult videogame, an Action third-person RPG, where the player’s worst fears turn against him, finding the aberrant alien world of Revion Prime. In a bold initiative in Brazil Games Industry, this studio, after one year of research and preparation is going to launch a crowdfunding campaign through the Kickstarter platform and show a little bit of the first phase of its work in the tenth edition of Brasil Game Show!

    Revolutionary adventures in the alien world

    Dolmen (PC) Steam key takes players to the hostile alien world Revion Prime. Your mission is to collect samples from the crystal, that has unique abilities. With the help of these crystals, you can travel across realities. It seems that space exploration can experience a revolution. The world will change forever. In the hostile Revion Prime, you will encounter various enemies and bosses, that will make your adventure hard. You will fight with them in the style of dynamic combat. Just don’t forget to use your Energy Mode, because only it will help you to overcome the game’s challenges and nightmarish bosses.

    Dolmen features

    You can expect these features, that promise a good experience:

    • Dynamic combat. After every battle, you will become stronger. Get ready to experience a rich combat system with various weapons and moves. Mix melee and ranged combat styles for overcoming hard enemies in the Revion Prime world;
    • Energy. It is a key to success. You will need it for ranged combat and activation of Energy Mode. With it, your melee weapons will get elemental effects, and it will let to take advantage of the enemy’s weaknesses;
    • Mystic planet. You will explore a devastated, dark, and beautiful world. Will you succeed in finding all its secrets? Or will Revion Prime destroy you?
    • Challenges. The hostile world doesn’t want you to survive. It all depends on you if you will succeed or die;
    • Gruesome bosses. You will encounter a huge variety of bosses. They are angry and gigantic creatures, that can be killed only with good skills;
    • • Cheap Dolmen (PC) price.

    Behind the scenes of Dolmen

    The gamer community and fans have had the first samples of what is still to come since September 23, when exclusive info and pics began to be spread on social media like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram. With periodic posts, the staff will give its followers the rare opportunity to get inside the creative minds of the artists as if they visited some painter’s atelier, providing the potential campaign supporters with a nice view of the mind of more than 40 collaborators, among Brazilian, Iranian, American and Spanish people! We are very proud to show this work to the public and also to display its possibilities to the actual gamers’ generation. They will surely start a new experience in the future brought a little closer to us thanks to the world of indie games!



    • ความต้องการของระบบ
      Windows 10
    • โปรเซสเซอร์
      Intel Core i5
    • หน่วยความจำ
      8 GB RAM
    • กราฟิก
      GTX 860
    • ที่เก็บข้อมูล
      15 GB

    รายละเอียดอื่น ๆ

    • ภาษา
      • Portuguese - Brazil
      • อังกฤษ
    • วันที่วางจำหน่าย
      20 พฤษภาคม 2565
    • สำนักพิมพ์
      Prime Matter
    • นักพัฒนา
      Massive Work Studio
    • ทำงานบน