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  • Apex Legends: Lifeline Edition (DLC) (PS4) PSN Key EUROPE
Apex Legends: Lifeline Edition (DLC) (PS4) PSN Key EUROPE

Apex Legends: Lifeline Edition (DLC) (PS4) PSN Key EUROPE

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  • Dijital anahtarBu, ürünün dijital bir sürümüdür (CD-KEY)Anında teslimat
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  • PlayStation 4
  • PlayStation 5
Önemli Uyarı:
  • For PSN version of the game. You must have Apex Legends in your PSN account in order to use this product.

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    Apex Legends: Lifeline Edition (DLC) (PS4)

    Buy Apex Legends: Lifeline Edition PSN key and you’ll receive a special copy of the game that includes the following exclusive content:

    • Legendary Guardian Angel Lifeline skin;

    • Legendary Chooser of the Slain Flatline skin;

    • Exclusive Winged Guardian Banner;

    • Exclusive Angel Struck Badge;

    • 1,000 Apex Coins.

    Apex Legends – the battle royale game

    At the beginning of 2019, most of the gaming community was done with battle royale games which by that point have reached the peak of their popularity. The genre was dominated by such giants like PlayerUnkown’s Battlegrounds and Fortnite. It seemed unlikely for any new title to challenge them… but then came Apex Legends and did the impossible.

    A parkour first-person shooter?

    Buy Apex Legends: Lifeline Edition PSN key and experience a true adrenaline rush through fast-paced action! Developed by Respawn Entertainment and published by Electronic Arts Apex Legends is a multiplayer-only battle royale first-person shooter that is set in the same fictional universe as the Titanfall game series. Those who had the chance to play Titanfall or its sequel will be familiar with parkour mechanics and sci-fi weaponry, basically, the gameplay elements that have set Apex Legends apart from other battle royale titles and created a new way to experience this popular game mode.

    Help your squad

    Apex Legends features a multitude of customizable class-based characters to choose from, each with their separate playstyle, special skills, and a unique backstory. You’ll engage in a battle royale and along with two other companions, you’ll get to form a three-man squad. They can be either strangers or your friends, depending on your choice. Regardless of who your squad members are, anyone can appreciate a comrade that offers genuine support during heavy combat. That’s why it’s useful to buy Apex Legends: Lifeline Edition key.

    With this edition of Apex Legends you’ll get awesome, exclusive content for everyone’s favorite squad member – Lifeline. This Legend is best known for her exceptional skills in keeping her squad members alive. She plays a support role that is of vital importance for any effective squad. If you enjoy playing as a combat medic the Lifeline Edition will provide you with cosmetics exclusive to this character, as well as rare items and in-game currency. If you are all about the teamwork and making life hard for enemy squads – buy Apex Legends: Lifeline Edition PSN key and fight as Lifeline!

    Diğer ayrıntılar

    • Çıkış tarihi
      18 Ekim 2019
    • Yayımcı
      Electronic Arts Inc.
    • Geliştiriciler
      Respawn Entertainment