My Time at Sandrock (PC) Steam Key GLOBAL

My Time at Sandrock (PC) Steam Key GLOBAL

  • GlobalCan be activated in United States of America
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  • Digital keyThis is a digital edition of the product (CD-KEY)Instant delivery
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  • Windows

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    Product description

    My Time at Sandrock (PC) Steam Key

    A game that not merely entertains you but also inspires you – that’s how we would describe My Time at Sandrock key on Steam. Naturally, that comes as no surprise knowing the title is the fruit of collaboration between the teams from Pathea Games and PM Studios, Inc. that published the game. These companies have worked together to create an exclusive take on the adventure genre in video gaming, and 2022-05-26 marks the date of their success in achieving that. Buy My Time at Sandrock Steam key and at a cheaper price and use this lucrative offer for a gaming experience to broaden your horizons, utilize your skills, and challenge you to perfect your abilities!

    Adventure genre

    My Time at Sandrock Steam key is an adventure game and it, therefore, includes a vast storyline supplemented by exciting visuals. It’ll keep you occupied with activities such as exploration, item collecting, and, hopefully, successful puzzle-solving. The best thing about this game is that you can constantly progress by finding hints and using them to unlock higher levels. The game will be enjoyed by those who like to feel that sense of achievement along the way. So train your mind, improve at the tasks, and congratulate yourself on every small step!


    My Time at Sandrock key encompasses many neat features! Prepare to spend hours playing this title, especially since it includes these gameplay elements:

    • Cartoon graphics – The environments and models are presented via colourful cartoon-like visuals;
    • Early access – The game is still in the development cycle – developers are improving the game with the help of community feedback;
    • Indie – This title was developed by an independent team experimenting with gameplay mechanics, style, and innovations;
    • RPG – You have to level up your character, complete missions, and embark on quests that may change the world;
    • Simulator – You can play around in virtual reality without any real-life consequences;
    • Third-person view – Players view the world and their surroundings from a camera angle positioned behind the controllable character;
    • • Cheap My Time at Sandrock (PC) price.

    System requirements

    Minimum system requirements

    • System requirements
      Windows 10
    • Processor
      Intel Core i3-2100 | AMD FX-6300
    • Memory
      8 GB RAM
    • Graphics
      Nvidia GeForce GTX760 | AMD Radeon 7950
    • DirectX
    • Storage
      20 GB

    Other details

    • Languages
      • English
      • Simplified Chinese
    • Release date
      May 26, 2022
    • Publisher
      Pathea Games
    • Developers
      Pathea Games
    • Works on