World of Warcraft 90-days (3x 30-days) time card Key UNITED STATES

World of Warcraft 90-days (3x 30-days) time card Key UNITED STATES

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  • Clé numériqueIl s'agit d'une édition numérique du produit (CD-KEY)Livraison instantanée
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Valeur:90 Days
Avis important:
  • This product has no pre-set expiration date.

Description du produit

World of Warcraft 90-days (3x 30-days) time card

Votre note
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Did you know that there’s more than one way to open the epic gates to WoW MMO experience? There’s the subscription service which requires you to spend a fixed sum on a monthly basis, and then there’s the WoW game card option. Buy 90-days WoW time card and enrol into the realm the other way around! This purchase provides you with three consecutive months of game time for a single purchase.

What is WoW?

If by any chance you haven’t still tried it, you’re in for a real treat, and if you have, you’ll without a doubt agree with the following statement. World of Warcraft game presents an astonishing adventure that far exceeds even the highest set expectations. Buy 90-days WoW time card and immerse in this thrilling online experience along with millions upon millions of other explorers worldwide. Begin or continue upon your journey starting today.

Choose Your WoW Time Card

WoW time cards, whether you’d decide to pick 30, 60, or 90-days extension, come for a significantly lower price compared to some other available options on the market. Not only do they provide you options for planning your playtime on a larger scale, but they also grant the same freedom of accessibility! So, buy 90-days WoW time card and get into the world of fantasy, adventure, mystery, and challenges beyond belief!

Configuration requise

Configuration système minimale

  • Configuration système
    Windows® 7 64-bit
  • Processeur
    Intel® Core™ i5-760 /AMD FX™-8100
  • Mémoire
    4 GB RAM (8GB Intel HD Graphics 530)
  • Graphique
    NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 560 2GB/ AMD™ Radeon™ HD 7850 2GB /Intel® HD Graphics 530
  • Stockage
    70 GB

Configuration système recommandée

  • Configuration système
    Windows® 10 64-bit
  • Processeur
    Intel® Core™ i7-4770 / AMD FX™-8310
  • Mémoire
    8 GB RAM
  • Graphique
    NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 960 4GB / AMD™ Radeon™ R9 280
  • Stockage
    70 GB

Autres détails

  • Langues
    • Allemand
    • Anglais
    • Brasil-portuguese
    • Coréen
    • Espagnol, Castillan
    • Français
    • Italien
    • Polonais
    • Russe
    • Traditional Chinese
  • Date de sortie
    24 novembre 2013
  • Éditeur
    Blizzard Entertainment
  • Développeurs
    Blizzard Entertainment
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