The Walking Dead (PC) Steam Key UNITED STATES

The Walking Dead (PC) Steam Key UNITED STATES

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    Kapcsolódó cikkek

    The Walking Dead

    The Walking Dead is a graphical adventure game, played from third-person perspective, developed by Telltale and based on The Walking Dead comic book series. Walking Dead game also blew some fresh and desired winds to an adventure genre and inspired many similar games to be developed. The game consists of five episodes. What You Decide is What You Get

    In The Walking Dead game, you are playing as Lee Everett, a convicted murderer on his way to the correctional facility. The outbreak of zombie apocalypse has already started, and thanks to the occasion, Lee manages to escape. He soon finds a girl named Clementine and his new goal now is to survive and protect Clementine at any cost.

    Precisely the plot is what makes this game so special and grand. And it’s not just another kind of adventure game that you would expect, going through every single dialogue line, while possible, is certainly not what The Walking Dead is all about.

    Throughout the story Mr. Everett must make many important decisions and choices, whether it’s to select which of the characters in the story must die or shout out your mind to someone when you could remain constraint. In other words, all players are tasked with the same goal of protecting Clementine, but what means are taken to achieve it is entirely up to you.

    To make the Walking Dead story flow coherently, most of the decisions are timed, thus must be made in the blink of an eye. Once you reach Episode 5, the things that you have and haven’t done throughout the story are sure to come up.

    The Walking Dead game does pack scenes of intense action and the game often catches you when you least expect it. In the end though, the game is not about running and gunning. It’s the story that navigates the action. Immersing into an experience, developing deep bonds between characters, and making difficult choices to complete the story are the key elements.


    Minimális rendszerkövetelmények

    • Rendszerkövetelmények
      Windows XP SP 3 / Vista / 7
    • Processzor
      2.0 GHz Pentium 4
    • Memória
      3 GB RAM
    • Grafika
      ATI / NVidia 512 MB RAM
    • Tárhely
      2 GB

    Ajánlott rendszerkövetelmények

    • Rendszerkövetelmények
      Windows 7
    • Processzor
      Core 2 Duo 2GHz
    • Memória
      3 GB RAM
    • Grafika
      ATI or NVidia 1024 MB RAM
    • Tárhely
      2 GB

    Egyéb részletek

    PEGI 18
    • Nyelvek
      • Angol
      • Francia
      • Német
      • Olasz
      • Spanyol
    • Megjelenés dátuma
      2013. április 24.
    • Kiadó
      Telltale Games
    • Fejlesztők
      Telltale Games
    • Ezen működik


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